Undocu Ally Training Day# 1
Fri 12/8/2023 • 10AM - 12:30PM PST
The Undocumented Student Program is collaborating with Undocu Scholars LLC to provide a wholistic workshop that aims to strategies advocacy efforts to better serve undocumented students across UCLA.
This session will provide strategies in how to be a proactive ally, to identify targeted resources on campus, holistic working practices and language that inclusive for undocumented students.
Provide the information below, we look forward to see you and share spaces.
Date: Friday, December 8, 2023
Location: TBD (in-person)
Time: 10:00 am-12:30 noon (2.5)
Undocu Scholars LLC Advocacy Training
If you have any questions please contact: USP@saonet.ucla.edu (310)794-2544