Cause of Death: Unknown

Fri 6/21/2024 • 7:30PM - 9:20PM PDT

Billy Wilder Theater

Part of: 2024 UCLA Celebration of Iranian Cinema

Born Again Virgin
U.S./Iran, 2022

On the eve of her wedding a young woman faces intense pressure to undergo a surgical procedure intended to “restore” her virginity.

DCP, color, in Persian with English subtitles. 11 min. Director: Teia Kane. Screenwriters: Saba Eskandari, Teia Kane.

Cause of Death: Unknown
Iran, 2023

A passenger van carrying a disparate group of travelers cross-country to Tehran becomes a microcosm of a society on the edge in writer-director Ali Zarnegar’s high-tension thriller. When one of them dies suddenly in the night with a relative fortune in U.S. currency, the others fear unwelcome entanglement with the authorities until fear turns to scheming and they each try to turn the situation to their advantage. Zarnergar ratchets up the suspense as secrets are revealed and paranoia mounts.

DCP, color, in Persian with English subtitles, 104 min. Director: Ali Zarnegar. Screenwriter: Ali Zarnegar. With: Banipal Shoomoon, Alireza Sani Far, Neda Jebraeili.

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