APAHM on the Hill Presents: Dealing With Dad Movie Screening + Q&A

Wed 5/29/2024 • 7PM - 9:30PM PDT

To celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Residential Life is proud to partner with UCLA Alum and Director Tom Huang in showing his movie, Dealing with Dad. The film follows Margaret as she reluctantly goes back to her hometown with her brothers to deal with the sudden onset of depression of their dad. The film reflects the Asian American experience and the intersecting factors of familial relationships, resentment, and mental health! Following the screening will be a Q&A hosted by Delta Kappa Alpha Cinema and CultivAsian. Reserve your ticket at tinyurl.com/UCLADWD! Doors open at 6:30 PM in the De Neve Auditorium!

#Undergraduate #Arts #MovieFilm

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