Social Justice Week

Research to Practice: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence

Wed 2/19 • 1PM - 3PM PST RSVP

UCLA CARE (Campus Assault Resources and Education) Program is committed to eradicating sexual and gender-based violence through creating and sustaining a safe, healthy, and equitable community for all people. Join us for this presentation by CARE...

#GraduateProfessional #Social #Community

Graduate Student Resource CenterSocial Justice Week

Rest is Resistance

Wed 2/19 • 3PM PST RSVP

RISE Center

Learn about CARE, CAPS, and RISE resources while painting your own tote bag!

#GraduateProfessional #Social #Community

Graduate Student Resource CenterSocial Justice Week

Rooted in Resilience: Housing Justice & Community Building

Wed 2/19 • 6PM PST RSVP

Student Activities Center, Conference Room 4

Come join the GSRC to learn more about advocacy in LA, explore different practices, and discover how to apply them to your own community!

#GraduateProfessional #Social #Community

Graduate Student Resource CenterSocial Justice Week

Reproductive Justice in California: Accessing Trustworthy Services and Spotting Deceitful Services

Thu 2/20 • 5PM PST RSVP

Student Activities Center, Conference Room 4

Interested in learning more about reproductive justice in California? Join us as the UCLA Law Center for Reproductive Health, Law, and Policy presents where to access trustworthy services and spot the misleading...

#GraduateProfessional #Social #Community

Graduate Student Resource CenterSocial Justice Week

Graduate Student Resource Center Calendars