Residential Life
Upcoming Events
Latinx Success Center Grand Opening
Mon 3/31 • 4PM - 6:30PM PDT
De Neve Quad
The Grand Opening of the Latinx Success Center will be a celebration of food, music, dance, and culture as we welcome our new resource center on the hill. This event will commemorate an important milestone in continuing the campus-wide efforts...
Taco Tuesday
Tue 4/1 • 6PM - 7:30PM PDT
Rieber Back Patio
Spend your Taco Tuesday hanging out with several FIRs for an opportunity to eat some delicious tacos, discuss hot topics, and meet other residents!
FAB - A Cappellooza
Sat 4/5 • 5PM - 8PM PDT
Northwest Campus Auditorium
A Cappellooza is UCLA's largest a cappella event, featuring performances from many of UCLA's acapella groups and presentations from many of UCLA's community service organizations. A Cappellooza is a combination of community service and performance...
DIY Mosaic Coasters
Sat 4/5 • 7PM - 9PM PDT
Carnesale - Hermosa (2nd Floor)
Get crafty and design your own unique mosaic coaster! We’ll provide all the supplies—just bring your creativity. No experience needed!
FAB - Intersections Between Culture and Medicine: A Celebration of Community and Culture
Sun 4/6 • 10AM - 4PM PDT
Bradley 300 + Sycamore
Through this program, we aim to bring attention to the intersection between medicine and cultures by holding panels with medical students from underrepresented backgrounds, holding DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) workshops, student research...
#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Cultural #IdentityBased
FAB - Estimathon
Sun 4/6 • 2PM - 5PM PDT
De Neve Plaza Rooms
Estimathon is a team-based event that combines math, trivia, and creative problem-solving. Participants work together to estimate answers to quirky math or science questions.
FAB - Health Career Net Working Night
Thu 4/17 • 5PM - 9PM PDT
Carnesale Palisades, Hermosa, Venice, Malibu
Pre-health undergraduates come to network with professionals of their aspiring career paths and are exposed to new career options as well. There will also be multiple workshops, panels, and professional school application advising to further offer...
#Undergraduate #FacultyStaff #Alumni #Educational #PreProfessional
Concerts On The Hill
Thu 4/24 • 8PM - 10PM PDT
Sunset Plaza Stage
CONCERTS ON THE HILL at UCLA is a vibrant student concert series that brings live music straight to the heart of campus. Set against the stunning backdrop of UCLA’s residential hill, this event series showcases talented student musicians and bands,...