Student Committee for the Arts

Founded in the summer of 1962 by Chancellor Franklin Murphy, the Student Committee for the Arts at UCLA is the student branch of the world renowned UCLA Live, formerly the UCLA Center for the Performing Arts. The committee provides student tickets to UCLA Live events, making available some of the best seats in the house at amazing prices. SCA works frequently with the UCLA Live staff in departments ranging from Education to Artist Relations, continually promoting the performing arts on campus. SCA is also proud to produce its own series of shows that bring great artists and events to students, in addition to showcasing the various talents of UCLA Student Artists. The Student Committee for the Arts at UCLA has been funded by student fees for the past forty-seven years. Thanks to the support of the Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC), we have been able to continue offering thousands of low-priced tickets to students for UCLA Live events each year. We look forward to fulfilling our mission to “support and encourage student awareness and participation in the arts at UCLA, while providing hands-on experience in the various areas of arts administration for [our] members.”
Signatories: Helio Luti, Trinity Drummond, and Laureen Huynh
Advisor: Pamela R Cysner
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