Planet Pose

Planet Pose aims to cultivate, inspire, motivate, and showcase UCLA's unique personal style of their student's everyday lives. POSE is dedicated to providing a world at UCLA for bold fashion enthusiasts to express themselves, discuss bizarre finds, and create together. You can share creations, have photoshoots, even perhaps a mini runway if you desire…anything can happen on our little planet. We heavily emphasize on inclusivity: if you are part of a marginalized group (POC, LGBTQ+, etc), POSE will be a space dedicated to making you feel included, listened, and seen. POSE emphasizes body neutrality over body positivity because not everyone can be in love with who they are but at least be comfortable in their own skin… or perhaps their own style.
Signatories: Princess Osita Ogbonnaya, Nyla Windon, and Jillian Marie Sobrepena
Advisor: Aranza Angelica Guzman
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