Engineering a Better World

Engineering a Better World Logo

Engineering a Better World is the sister club to Engineers Without Borders at UCLA (EWB at UCLA) with the sole purpose of hosting projects that are not specifically under Engineers Without Borders USA 501(c)(3). This includes an upcoming water access project in Ethiopia, yearly outreach events, workshops, and any future projects that are adopted through other non profit organizations (that are not Engineers Without Borders USA). The club runs under the same leadership and has the same structure as Engineers Without Borders at UCLA but allows the greater student organization to work on more projects without being limited to solely projects through Engineers Without Borders USA. Engineering a Better World gives our student organization an opportunity to engage with more UCLA students, build our professional network, and generally expand our club's reach.

Signatories: Suraj Shah, Sofie Hagen-Smith, and Usife Ahmad

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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