
Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) is a worldwide, interdenominational Christian organization. It was founded in 1951 right here at UCLA. Campus Crusade for Christ is active on over 2000 campuses around the globe in 191 countries. It now has 25,000 full time staff and about 550,000 trained volunteers worldwide serving on campuses and in community based ministries. Our goal is to be able to give each of the 110 million college students worldwide the opportunity to hear the Gospel! Here at UCLA, our vision is to experience, live, and speak the Gospel both here and around the world. We desire to continually deepen our love for God and grow in our faith through direction from His Word. We pray that God would transform us to be more like Him and send us out to be laborers for Him.
Signatories: Megan Bundy, Noah Chan, and Bridget Axe
Advisor: Miranda Rose Redman
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