Researching Innovations in the Sciences

Researching Innovations in the Sciences Logo

Researching Innovations in the Sciences (RIS) is an organization meant to help recently admitted undergraduate students majoring in related fields hoping to pursue a higher education but are unsure of what specific field(s) of science to investigate further. Our club will provide weekly discussion-based meetings delving into the latest advancements in STEM fields (epigenetics, CRISPR, polymer chemistry, pharmacology) and most importantly how students will engage with this content. Students will work together to create research questions that will eventually pave the way for their real dissertations and research down the line. Furthermore, we aim to have professors performing research in the chosen field give a short presentation on what their research entails, and what specifically is interesting about each aspect of their work. This will allow incoming students to gain a broader understanding of the events going on at UCLA, and help them gauge for themselves their own interests.

Signatories: Lucas HE, Wesley Jeng, and Jerard Agravante

Advisor: Aranza Angelica Guzman

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