Buy Your Values at UCLA

We are a group of UCLA students, faculty and staff who have formed to encourage our bookstore to respect human dignity and human rights by stocking ethical and sustainable UCLA apparel and other merchandise. We have the power to vote with our dollars and make sure that our UCLA merchandise isn’t made with exploited labor, or unsustainable manufacturing technique. Additionally, we will be advocating for changes the UCLA”s apparel sourcing Code of Conduct, so that it is genuinely enforceable and closes loopholes that may be exploited by large brands who subcontract their entire supply chain. The group will partner with community groups and ethical vendors who are committed to our goals on behalf of workers and the environment, including the UCLA Labor Center, Labor 411, the Community Scholars Program, and ARAMP.
Signatories: Leyla Navarrete, Caroline Luce, and Jonathan Calzada
Advisor: Orlando Luna
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