Science Lab Teaching Club at UCLA

The Science Lab Teaching Club was formed at UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy in January 2012 under the scientific guidance of Dr. Konstantin Belov with several goals in mind, including: partially compensate the loss of the science teaching faculty at local public schools due to severe budget cuts; provide teaching experience for the undergraduate students majoring in physics and astronomy; spark interest in science in the next generation. The club members meet weekly during the school year to prepare lessons and practice lab demonstrations. The lessons on different STEM subjects are taught by the club members at local schools, catering to the interests of students of all age ranges. The emphasis is on teaching students in K-5 branches of physics such as electricity, magnetism, waves, and optics; however, we often branch out to other fields in STEM. Each lesson is accompanied by several spectacular demonstrations using the real laboratory equipment provided by the Department’s demo lab as well as presentations and additional demos designed and built by the club members. The club members strongly believe that in order to get children interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects, science education should start at a very early age and each lesson should become a memorable experience for the kids. Club members have given presentations at the following schools: Norra Sterry Elementary School, Citizens of the World Mar Vista Charter School, Emerson Middle School, Palms Middle School, Fairburn Elementary School, Brentwood Science Magnet Elementary, and others. Undergraduate club member Nick Vincent has expressed his own enthusiasm for the program. "The Science Teaching Club at UCLA gave me a great way to become involved in the community," said Nick. "It encouraged me to use my passion for science to benefit local elementary schools. I think that my work with the Science Teaching Club has greatly augmented my education. The community service aspect has enriched my overall academic experience, the social aspect has allowed me to meet other physics students, and the cerebral challenge of designing quantum mechanics demonstrations for elementary school students truly engaged my mind."
Signatories: Matilde Lopes Vieira Marques DE A, Selina Juang, and Aaron Leland
Advisor: Orlando Luna
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