The Giving Craft
Our club creates a space for individuals to craft and donate handmade items, including crochet, paintings, drawings, embroidery, felt art, and similar crafts, to healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and hospice care that cannot afford many decorations. Some hospitals may also not allow flowers in certain units or patients staying at inpatient facilities may not have visitors who could decorate their room/visit them often. However, research shows that various forms of art can improve patient outcomes and alleviate stress. By offering these handcrafted creations, we aim to provide comfort where traditional gifts like flowers are restricted. Additionally, the club promotes healthy hobbies and relaxation among students, fostering creativity while contributing to patient care and enhancing the environments of healthcare.
Signatories: Lynna SI, Nhi Doan, and Brianna Bui
Advisor: Aranza Angelica Guzman
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