Backgammon Club at UCLA

The Backgammon Club is going to be dedicated to forming a campus community of players who share a passion for this ancient and intellectually stimulating game. Whether an experienced player or completely new to backgammon, this club will offer an inclusive environment for learning and mastering the rules, strategies, and subtleties of the game. Backgammon, a game with over 5,000 years of history, not only serves as an amazing tradition into various cultures but also as a mental challenge that sharpens critical thinking, strategic planning, and decision-making. Its unique blend of skill and chance makes it an excellent tool for developing problem-solving skills under pressure, improve cognitive abilities, enhance pattern recognition, and boost resilience. The club will serve as a platform to connect with fellow students across campus who share an interest in the game, making it easier to find playing partners and form friendships. For people new to the game, there will be tutorials online and in-person when requested. We will hold regular game nights, workshops, and strategy sessions designed to help both beginners and advanced players improve their skills. Additionally, the club will organize friendly competitions and tournaments, offering members the opportunity to engage in healthy rivalry while also improving and enjoying this historic cultural tradition. The club will have backgammon players with years of experience, who are going to be ready to help other club members while enjoying the game themselves.
Signatories: Gevork Mavoyan, Nyiree Seraydarian, and Arden Norendzayan
Advisor: Maria Anna Salazar Capinpin
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