Women In Anesthesiology

Women in Anesthesiology (WIA) at UCLA will address the significant underrepresentation and challenges faced by women in the field. As of March 2023, women comprised only 26.1% of anesthesiologists in the U.S., with decreasing representation at higher ranks and persistent gender pay disparities. WIA aims to empower female students and trainees by (1) organize shadowing opportunities, guest lectures, and workshops with female anesthesiologists to provide insight into career pathways and specialties within anesthesiology, (2) facilitate student membership and involvement in the national Women in Anesthesiology organization, including attending conferences and accessing resources, (3) host panel discussions and events on current medical issues in anesthesiology, highlighting women's contributions and challenges, (4) offer leadership positions within the group and organize skill-building workshops on topics such as public speaking, negotiation, and research presentation, and (5) encourage female students, and all students interested in anesthesiology, by providing resources, mentorship, and a supportive network!


Signatories: Rony Moon, Lauren Weber, and Nare Ghaltakhchyan

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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