Bruins Opposing Speciesism

Our mission at BOS (Bruins Opposing Speciesism) is to raise awareness of and fight for the fundamental rights to freedom, life, autonomy, protection, and rescue, for animals on campus and off. BOS lends a voice for the rights of all sentient beings, ranging from tiny insects to large mammals, being exploited from factory farms to laboratories. Our activities encompass campus-wide initiatives to mobilize students, as well as participation in protests and marches alongside local organizations like LA Animal Save and Mercy for Animals. A large part of our activities is our engagement in corporate campaigning, striving for policy changes and ethical practices within businesses to ensure the humane treatment of animals across various industries. BOS is a member organization in the Animal Welfare Alliance, and complements the mission of AWA, working to improve animal welfare primarily through direct action and pressure.
Signatories: Anatol Felsen, Harper Dunn, and Michelle Golden
Advisor: Kristopher Kaupalolo
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