The Swing Club at UCLA

The Swing Club at UCLA is a student organization dedicated to promoting a positive social experience on the UCLA campus through the art of swing dancing. Its mission is to introduce East Coast, Lindy Hop, and West Coast swing dancing to members of the UCLA community, provide a place for members to practice, and connect members to the swing club community in the greater Los Angeles area. Club management operates strictly on a volunteer basis. Since the club’s founding in 2008, membership has been open to all UCLA students and affiliates. There are currently around 10 members. Meetings are two hours once per week, consisting of beginner and intermediate dance lessons as well as social dancing. The group is fortunate to have two talented and experienced volunteer dance instructors that teach lessons at every meeting. Outside of meetings, the club organizes on-campus events open to all students, and trips to off-campus venues like “Lindy Groove” and “Third Saturday Swing” in Pasadena.

Signatories: Peter Connick, Leah Phillips, and Tessa Aguilar

Advisor: Melissa L Veluz-Abraham

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