African American
Afrikan Mxn's Collective The Mission of the Afrikan Mxn’s Collective (AMC) is to develop and support a community of strong Afrikan mxn by way of discovering our unique contribution to the struggle on campus and abroad. To...
Afrikan Womxn's Collective The purpose of the Afrikan Women’s Collective is to provide a safe space for women who identify with the Afrikan diaspora to join together and discuss topics and issues relevant to women of Afrikan...
Black Business Student Association The Black Business Student Association is the premier black professional organization and business network at UCLA committed to empowering students through professional development, mentorship,...
Black Graduate Students Association The primary purpose of the BGSA shall be to promote a social, informative, and professional network for Black graduate and professional students in order to ensure their retention and continued...
- Black Law Student Association The Purpose of this Association shall be to: Recruit Black students into the law school; Articulate and promote the professional needs and goals of Black Law Students; Focus upon the relationship...
CRWND Inc: Sisters of Success at UCLA CRWND Inc. is a program aimed at extending its mentorship services to Black women and girls at UCLA to further our mission of providing mental health education, academic support, leadership, and...
DGSOM/CDU SNMA Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is committed to supporting current and future Black medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of...
Fashion, Innovation, Trends, and Style Fashion, Innovation, Trends, and Style (FITS) is a club created to promote and celebrate Black culture through fashion, to create a vibrant community where members can explore and express their...
Melanin & Medicine at UCLA We are scholars of the Afrikan Diaspora who seek to enrich Black students with the skills needed to excel in their health professional careers. Our mission is to revolutionize the future of medicine...
- National Black Law Journal UCLA-National Black Law Journal has been committed to scholarly discourse exploring the intersection of race and the law for thirty-five years. The NBLJ was started in 1970 by 5 African-American law...
- National Society Of Black Engineers (NSBE) Our Mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black scientists and engineers in STEM who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
Nigerian Students Association The Nigerian Students Association is a student group at UCLA aimed at increasing the awareness of its members about the Nigerian culture and West Africa at large. We aim to provide a home away from...