
Call for Volunteers: Narcan Tote Bag Assembly

Sat 9/7 • 9AM - Fri 9/13 • 5PM PDT

CAPS Large Conference Room, 1st Floor

UCLA Narcan Distribution Project is seeking help from students, faculty and staff to assemble wellness kits for incoming Bruins as a part of the campus-wide Narcan Distribution Project. Narcan is an opioid overdose reversal medication and fentanyl...

#Health #Wellness

Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center

Donating Blood

Mon 9/23 - Fri 9/27

Ackerman Blood & Platelet Center

Students have the opportunity to donate blood and save a life!  Open to any student or member of the UCLA community. UCLA Blood & Platelet Center is the largest hospital-based donor center in the U.S.  All donations go to patients at our three...

#Health #Wellness

Blood and Platelet Center

Immunization Requirement Fair

Mon 9/23 - Fri 9/27 RSVP

John Wooden Center, Collins Court

The UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center will host its annual UCLA Immunization Requirement Fair during Zero Week (9/23/24 - 9/27/24) from 9am-4pm at John Wooden Center Collins Court. Incoming students can obtain the necessary...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #Wellness

Immunization Requirements

Immunization Requirement Fair

Mon 9/23 - Fri 9/27 RSVP

John Wooden Center, Collins Court

The UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center will host its annual UCLA Immunization Requirement Fair during Zero Week (9/23/24 - 9/27/24) from 9am-4pm at John Wooden Center Collins Court. Incoming students can obtain the necessary...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #Wellness

Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center


Thu 9/26 • 2PM - 5PM PDT

Boardroom, Santa Monica Hospital, 1250 16th St, Santa Monica, CA 90404

Join our Companion Care Program as a trained volunteer! Sign up for the companion care program by visiting: https://volunteer.uclahealth.org/custom/527/opp_details/4135 Once your application is approved, you will be invited to an in-person...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Alumni #Health #Wellness

UCLA Health Geriatric MedicineCompanion Care Program