Art MEDified at UCLA

Art MEDified at UCLA is the flagship chapter of Art MEDified, Inc., a (501)(c)(3) organization based in Southern California. By joining the family, volunteers will join a bustling community with retreats, socials, mentorship, and more! Through this tight community, volunteers advance the integration of health literacy into everyday life through artistic projects. Students lead community art events, host health literacy seminars, and earn awards, including the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Volunteers also plan a research camp and can help run it in the summer. Through these experiences, trainings during club meetings, and other team building activities, members learn about leadership and professional development. Art MEDified benefits those from a wide range of backgrounds: 1. Those looking for a fun, social environment to build connections/friendship and network | 2. Those looking to create art, learn about marketing, and/or explore graphic design | 3. Those looking to advance themselves on the pre-med/pre-health path | 4. Those looking to exercise public speaking skills and construct educational materials | 5. Those looking to learn how to budget and create shopping lists for big events | 6. Those looking to practice journalism, creative writing, and professional writing through a blog | And more! | Go Art MEDified, Choose-Your-Team, and take advantage of what most benefits you!
Signatories: Ashley Hodge, Karissa Pertler, and Sophie MA
Advisor: Pamela R Cysner
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