Health and Wellness
- MedConnect @ UCLA MedConnect at UCLA is a pre-health networking organization designed to support and guide students pursuing careers in medicine, dentistry, and other healthcare professions. Our mission is to create...
A Moment of Magic at UCLA We are the UCLA chapter of the A Moment of Magic Foundation, a charity organization dedicated to promoting wellness in children through character interaction and play. Following an auditions process...
Academy Health Student Chapter at UCLA In partnership with the health services research community, we strive to: Provide peer support by: - Creating opportunities for interaction among peers - Reaching out and connecting with other...
Active Minds Active Minds is a mental health advocacy group dedicated to changing the conversation about mental health and de-stigmatizing mental illness throughout the UCLA campus and the greater Los Angeles...
- Al-Anon To help families and friends of alcoholics.
American Lung Association Collegiate Council at UCLA The American Lung Association at UCLA was created to form a partnership between UCLA and the American Lung Association in order to raise awareness of lung health and promote tobacco-free lifestyles....
- American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative The American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative (ALCSI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness and promoting lung cancer screening for high-risk individuals. At UCLA,...
Amplified at UCLA Amplified at UCLA was founded to cultivate a tight knit circle that explores our greatest curiosities and interests in a thoughtful, inspiring, and creative setting. We encourage both open dialogue...
- Anderson Athletics The mission of Anderson Athletics is to enrich the sports experience for UCLA Anderson MBA students by providing leadership and direction to all student run sporting activities on campus. Anderson...
APA Health C.A.R.E. APA Health CARE (Asian Pacific American Health Collaboration, Access, Resource & Education) is a collaborative effort among UCLA undergraduates, public health students, medical students, nurses, and...
Art MEDified at UCLA Art MEDified at UCLA is the flagship chapter of Art MEDified, Inc., a (501)(c)(3) organization based in Southern California. By joining the family, volunteers will join a bustling community with...
Beautiful Mind Project The Beautiful Mind Project aims to construct a well-rounded understanding of mental health in the Muslim community that transcends socio-cultural, political, and physical barriers of stigmatization...
Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative is a group of wellness advocates devoted to eliminating health and social disparities within underserved and underprivileged populations by creating spaces of...
- Black Fitness Society A community for Black Bruins on their health and wellness journey.
Black/Latinx AIDS Project (BLAIDS) The Black/Latinx AIDS Project (BLAIDS) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is a community service project created by the organization Latinx/Chicanxs for Community Medicine (LCCM) in...
Body Empowerment Project As part of national Body Empowerment Project, our club aims to reduce eating disorder risk and empower adolescents/young adults to find body acceptance and self-worth by delivering a...
- Brallium In response to the discomfort and health concerns associated with traditional undergarments, consumers have increasingly sought alternatives that provide both comfort and functionality. While nipple...
Bruin Beans Health Club Bruin Beans Health Club (BBHC) is composed of undergraduates and recent alumni working with nephrologists at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine and UCLA CORE Kidney to improve healthcare delivery...
Bruin Bodybuilding Bruin Bodybuilding is an organization dedicated to creating a community for those interested in weightlifting and bodybuilding. We intend to create education resources in regards to technique,...
Bruin Burlesque Bruin Burlesque is a supportive community centered around the sensual art of burlesque! This confidence building heels optional class will provide a judgement free zone for dancers to learn weekly...
- Bruin Guidance Bruin Guidance is dedicated to offering comprehensive, high-quality mentorship and resources, specifically designed to demystify the pre-medical journey and streamline the college application...
- Bruin Institute of Health Policy Bruin Institute of Health Policy aims to develop leaders in the field of health care with a focus on creating social change through policy writing. We strive to educate students on health policy,...
Bruin Neurodiversity Collective The Bruin Neurodiversity Collective works directly alongside the Neurodiversity Empowerment Team at UCLA to promote the advancement, understanding, and community development of UCLA’s neurodivergent...
Bruin Vision Project Bruin Vision Project takes precedence in the UCLA community as the first and only student health organization to provide vision screenings and resources to underserved populations across various...
Bruin WELL Bruin WELL is a UCLA student organization with the mission of promoting wellness on campus and across elementary schools in Los Angeles. We accomplish this through four main objectives: 1. TEACH YOGA...
Bruins Fighting Pediatric Cancer Bruins Fighting Pediatric Cancer (BFPC) is dedicated to fulfilling the mission of never letting cancer cloud the joy of being a kid. With this mission, we strive to educate the UCLA community about...
Bruins for Recovery Bruins for Recovery (B4R) is a registered student organization at UCLA dedicated to supporting students recovering from addictive behaviors, as well as their allies, family, and friends.? They offer...
- Bruins for the Institute on Aging We are an undergraduate student organization at the University of California, Los Angeles that serves as a volunteer recruitment club for the Institute on Aging’s Friendship Line and educates about...
Bruins Public Health Club Bruins Public Health Club engages in projects that promote the maintenance and improvement of health for all members of society. It is the organization's objective to provide members with real-world...
Building Heroes Project at UCLA Building Heroes aims to educate the underserved community about medical emergencies. Club members will learn to lead participants through hands on skill training designed to give them the means to...
Ceramics Club The mission of the Ceramics Club at UCLA is to provide an inclusive and accessible platform for individuals of all skill levels to connect, collaborate, and explore the art of ceramics. We seek to...
Community Outreach for Health Literacy at UCLA Mission Statement: Community Outreach for Health Literacy (COHL) is a pre-health club that provides a platform for undergraduate students to research topics relating to their career goals and to...
Companion Care Companion Care (CC)'s mission is to build sustainable bridges between people experiencing homelessness and healthcare services in Los Angeles. To achieve this end, CC partners with the Mobile Clinic...
- Complete Cognitive Care Complete Cognitive Care is a student organization with the mission to provide mental health services to undeserved communities. The aim is to provide care with a cultural understanding, while erasing...
- Critical Care Nursing Club To further the opportunities of undergraduate and graduate nursing students by connecting with professionals in the critical care field. We aim to educate our club members on resources and expose...
CultivAsian CultivAsian is a student organization with the mission to destigmatize conversations about mental health and raise awareness of mental health issues in Asian young adults through multimedia and...
- Dancing Social Workers (DSW) We are a group of graduate students seeking to provide a safe, collective, cultural, and expressive space through encouraging somatic modality and exploring social activism via dance.
- David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Chapter of the American Medical Association Our chapter serves to educate peers on health policy, advocate for legislative changes that benefit the medical profession, and conduct service projects for the local community. We represent the...
- DiverSWC DiverSWC’s mission seeks to integrate an identity-informed approach to health and wellness by providing resources and events that encourage all campus organizations to create more inclusive...
Donation of Tissues and Organs (DotOrg) DoT Org at UCLA together with Latinx/Chicanx for Community Medicine (LCCM) began as a student initiated effort to educate and increase consciousness within UCLA students and members of the...
End Overdose at UCLA End Overdose at UCLA is a chapter of the Los Angeles-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit End Overdose. Our mission is to make education and resources (i.e. fentanyl test strips and Narcan/naloxone) preventing...
- Everyday Responder Project @ UCLA According to a study conducted in 2017, the average EMS response time is about 6 minutes. However, this number was roughly doubled in rural settings, with nearly 1 in 10 encounters resulting in a...
Excursion Club at UCLA Excursion Club at UCLA will bring UCLA students on outdoor adventures throughout California and the greater Western U.S. The club will engage in activities such as hiking, camping, backpacking,...
Farmers Market at UCLA Farmers’ Market at UCLA is a student-run, non-profit market. It is dedicated to bringing fresh, local SoCal produce to the UCLA community. Besides the normal market operation, the student organizers...
- Fellowship for International Service and Health (FISH) FISH is an interdisciplinary global health and development organization that aims to improve the health, wellness, and access to educational opportunities in Maclovio Rojas, Mexico. Students work...
Fitness Improvement Training Through Exercise and Diet Fitness Improvement Training Through Exercise & Diet [FITTED] will provide free physical fitness training and health education services to improve overall wellness for all underrepresented student...
Flying Samaritans at UCLA Flying Samaritans at UCLA provides free health care, dental care, prescription medications, and health education to underserved populations in Tijuana, Mexico. Undergraduate students work alongside...
- Gerontology Interest Group The purpose of the Gerontology Interest Group at UCLA is to educate individuals on topics of research interest in gerontology and geriatric medicine, provide opportunities for students to present...
GlobeMed Founded in 2008, GlobeMed at UCLA advocates for global health equity through its partnership with the Mpoma Community HIV /AIDS Initiative, located in south-central Uganda. Together, we work to...
HART at UCLA HART at UCLA is dedicated to engaging the arts, in all forms, to alleviate stress and promote holistic healing. We strive to bolster the mental well-being of UCLA's student body, support patients...
- Health Hope Health Hope is a dedicated club focused on educating students at UCLA and throughout Los Angeles about a range of health issues, including kidney disease, diabetes, and more. Our mission is to raise...
Health Law Society The mission of the Health Law Society (HLS) is to raise the profile of health law issues at the school and to provide exposure to the field and opportunities for students interested in studying and...
Health Sciences Education Program at UCLA The Health Sciences Education Program's purpose is to educate students in the surrounding community on health science topics. We are a student-run organization that presents lessons in K-12 schools,...
- Healthy Dentist Initiative To raise awareness regarding mental and physical well-being of healthcare providers. Through guest lectures, hosting after hour activities, etc. the Healthy Doctors Initiative will be a resource for...
- Healthy Hands Initiative The mission of Healthy Hands is to provide basic sanitation resources to the underserved communities and school systems in northern India due to the preventable devastation these communities face as...
- Her Campus at UCLA UCLA Chapter of Her Campus, a community that uplifts, informs and connects college women on topics such as pop culture, wellness, style, politics and health. Her Campus at UCLA ranks within the top...
HIV Counseling and Testing Coalition HIV Counseling and Testing Coalition (HCAT) is a student organization focused on providing resources such as HIV testing/counseling, safe sexual health recommendations, and linkage to healthcare...
I AM CONFIDENT RESILIENCE PEER EMPOWERMENT* I AM Confident Resilience Peer Empowerment (CRPE). The heart and soul of confidence, resilience, and empowerment Our journey is not just about words on a page; it’s a profound commitment to...
ICHI Volunteer Association The ICHI Volunteer Association is a student-run club that serves to provide volunteers for partner non-profit organizations. Volunteers work as clinic assistants, fundraising delegates, and...
- If/When/How The purpose of If/When/How: Law Students for Reproductive Justice (“LSRJ”) shall be to provide students at the UCLA School of Law with a community that promotes reproductive rights and freedoms and a...
Inclusive Patient Education Association (IPEA) The Inclusive Patient Education Association is dedicated to equipping pre-health students with the cultural competence, empathy, and insights needed to improve chair-side manners to provide...
Integrative Medicine Student Interest Group Welcome to the Integrative Medicine Student Interest Group (IMSIG)! We are a graduate student organization through UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. We are so excited to welcome you and share...
Kids in Nutrition We are an organization that teaches interactive and inspiring nutrition and health lessons to elementary school children in the Los Angeles community. The curriculum includes a variety of activities...
La Cosecha The mission of LA Cosecha is to increase allies fighting for equitable healthcare for farmworkers by increasing awareness amongst future health care providers on the health plights of farmworkers and...
LA Girl Gains The purpose of this organization is to promote female weight lifting while empowering women to feel strong and beautiful in a judgment free community....
Lean on Me at UCLA Lean On Me offers an anonymous textbased platform for peer-to-peer support that allows insight of when students prefer to talk to their fellow peers over existing administrative alternatives. We...
Lifestyle Medicine Club at UCLA Lifestyle Medicine Club at UCLA is a student-led organization dedicated to promoting evidence-based lifestyle interventions through nutrition and physical activity for the improvement of chronic...
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group Lifestyle Medicine is one of the fastest growing career fields of medicine globally. Holding the promise for health reform as it addresses the root-cause of chronic illness, Lifestyle Medicine is the...
Liver Project The Liver Project (TLP) is an official UCLA student initiative to fight liver disease, including viral hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases/NASH, alcoholic hepatitis, and liver cancer. TLP...
MannMukti at UCLA MannMukti operates as a university chapter of the national MannMukti organization. Our mission is to encourage healthy, open dialogue of South Asian mental health issues in an effort to remove...
Medical Associates for Rehabilitation Care (MARC) Medical Associates for Rehabilitation Care (MARC) is a non-profit organization at UCLA dedicated to advocating for and supporting individuals in rehabilitation. Through our four main focuses -...
Medical Experience through Service in Healthcare The purpose of Medical Experience through Service in Healthcare is to act as a bridge between understaffed free health clinics/non-profit organizations and UCLA students interested in volunteering...
Mood Psychology @ UCLA The Mood Psychology @ UCLA is a student organization committed to promoting mental well-being among international students. We aim to raise awareness about mental health, eliminate the stigma...
Muscular Dystrophy Society at DGSOM Muscular dystrophies (MD) are a genetically and clinically diverse group of rare muscle disorders that lead to the progressive weakening and breakdown of skeletal muscles. With nine types of MD, all...
Muscular Dystrophy Society on Campus Muscular dystrophies are a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of rare muscle disorders that progressively weaken and breakdown of skeletal muscles over time. There are 9 types of muscular...
- Music Meditation The Music Meditation Club offers students a serene and supportive environment to relax, recharge, and explore the profound benefits of mindfulness and meditation through music. In today’s fast-paced...
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) The "National Alliance on Mental Illness" (NAMI) at UCLA is a student-led, student-run mental health club based on the nation's largest mental health advocacy organization. NAMI seeks to combat the...
Nunchi Health @UCLA Nunchi Health is a community health organization building inclusive spaces where UCLA students from all cultural backgrounds can learn about and prioritize their mental health. We provide a space for...
Nursing Students Association at UCLA NSA@UCLA is a student-led organization whose mission includes contributing to the nursing education of all nursing students at UCLA. We are an official chapter constituent of CNSA (California Nursing...
- One Love at UCLA One Love at UCLA resembles and upholds the mission of the One Love Foundation, which strives to end relationship abuse by teaching people how to love better. The One Love Foundation is a non-profit...
Pacific Islanders for H.E.A.L.T.H. Pacific Islanders for H.E.A.L.T.H. aims to address the current health disparities faced by the Pacific Islanders communities in the greater Los Angeles area. These health disparities arise from an...
Pages for Pediatrics at UCLA Pages for Pediatrics is an organization that writes, illustrates, and publishes children's storybooks on pediatric illnesses and disability. Our aim is to create characters that reflect our patients’...
Peaks & Professors at UCLA Peaks & Professors at UCLA is dedicated to bringing students and professors together outside the classroom. Our mission is to facilitate these unique interactions by leading small groups of students...
Period at UCLA This organization promotes the well-being of all people and provides assistance to people in need by providing donations, or support to people in shelters. Interest in creating/ advocating...
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Student Interest Group We are a graduate medical student program dedicated to the education of future physicians about the PM&R specialty and its function within the healthcare system. We also strive to help provide...
Pilipinos for Community Health MISSION: Established in 1989, Pilipinos for Community Health (PCH) at UCLA seeks to empower underserved and under-resourced communities in the Greater Los Angeles area and the Philippines by...
Project Lux Project Lux is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bridging the gap between healthcare and houselessness. One of the ways we accomplish this is through directly assisting individuals...
Project Sunshine Chapter at UCLA The Project Sunshine Chapter at UCLA aims to deliver the same dynamism Project Sunshine empowers at a national level to multiple hospitals in the Los Angeles area. Our volunteers will relieve the...
- Psychiatry Interest Group The Psychiatry Interest Group is dedicated to helping its members explore the field of psychiatry and its many subspecialties. Through lunch talks, skills workshops, outings into the community, and...
Public Health Nutrition Club The Public Health Nutrition Club (PHNC) is based out of the Fielding School of Public Health, however we are open to any UCLA community member to join. PHNC is dedicated to championing nutrition in...
- Quills to Connect Quills to Connect is a pen-pal program that seeks to build meaningful connections between students and senior citizens through letter writing. Our main focus is to improve the mental health of both...
Reproductive Education and Community Health Our organization serves the need for extensive health and sex education for middle and high schoolers, especially in underprivileged communities. We train UCLA students to teach a variety of lessons...
Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) The Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) is a graduate student group at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Founded in 2002, RHIG brings together students, faculty, and staff to learn...
- Rosear Unite a community of people who may be experiencing loss, grief, or traumatic death experiences. Provide an open space for healing and a reliant support group. Offer emotional support and resources....
SCOPE Patient Health Advocates Patient Health Advocates (PHA) is a collaborative program between student advocates and UCLA physicians dedicated to connecting underserved patients with community resources to enhance their health...
SCOPE: Fitness and Nutrition at UCLA SCOPE (Students for Community Outreach, Promotion, and Education): Fitness and Nutrition at UCLA is committed to delivering health education and promoting wellness in elementary aged children...
- SKY Happiness & Leadership Club The SKY Happiness Workshop is educational, it aims to give students strategies they can use to help them manage stress, and live more fulfilling lives. In the workshop students learn breathing and...
- Spoon University UCLA We are the UCLA chapter of Spoon University, an online food publication group run by students for students, featuring recipes, restaurant reviews, and personal stories. We provide content that is...
Students for Integrative Medicine (SIM) Students for Integrative Medicine (SIM) is a student group at UCLA that strives to raise student awareness for evidence-based, integrative, and whole-person approaches to medicine and health. The...
- SURGE at UCLA SURGE at UCLA cultivates strength and nurtures a youth-driven movement for reproductive justice, emphasizing the pivotal role of young individuals from marginalized communities, including women,...
SWC Body Image Task Force The aim of the Body Image Task Force is to help the entire UCLA student body combat issues of body image. We do so by hosting events, workshops, and speakers that tackle issues such as exercise,...
SWC Bruin Consent Coalition Bruin Consent Coalition was formerly known as 7000 in Solidarity: A Campaign Against Sexual Assault. Our most important goal is to support survivors of sexual violence. All members receive...
SWC Bruin Run/Walk Run/Walk is one of several committees within the Student Wellness Commission (SWC) and is responsible for putting on one of the biggest student-run events on campus every year: a 5K event in the...
SWC BruiNecessities As part of the USAC Student Wellness Commission, BruiNecessities looks to support UCLA students by raising awareness to the lack of basic resources available on campus, and seeks to fill these gaps,...
- SWC CPR/FA Program The Student Wellness Commission under USAC conducts American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR and First Aid Programs through a committee called CPR/FA Program at UCLA. Providing low-cost Heartsaver...
SWC Health, Nutrition, & Fitness Health, Nutrition & Fitness (HNF) is a committee under UCLA’s USAC Student Wellness Commission that is dedicated to educating the student body about proper nutrition, fitness, and health. HNF’s goal...
SWC Sexperts Dedicated to increasing the awareness and education of sexual health through exciting campus-wide events at UCLA. Focusing on the pillars of communication, consent, sexual-health, and pleasure.
SWC Student Education and Research of Contemporary Health SEARCH: Student Education and Research on Contemporary Health—our name says it all. We know that there is a lot of research out there on health issues that are currently plaguing college students,...
SWC Total Wellness Total Wellness is currently a division of the Student Wellness Commission. Total Wellness Magazine is a continuing endeavor started by the Student Welfare Commission in the 90's and refounded in...
Team HBV Team HBV chapters aim to train knowledgeable educators and inspire student leaders, distribute culturally sensitive and easy-to-understand educational brochures on HBV to students and local...
TeamX Health (formerly iCareX: Think Innovation) TeamX Health is founded with the belief in challenging the status quo to solve healthcare disparity by cultivating thinkers, building leaders, and thinking innovatively. Our mission is to serve as...
The Bruin Blood Initiative The Bruin Blood Initiative is a student-run organization whose mission is to promote awareness of blood related issues at both UCLA and throughout LA. In partnering with community leaders and groups,...
The Diabetes Link at UCLA Our chapter of the Diabetes Link (formerly College Diabetes Network) was founded for the purpose of connecting college students with and affected by diabetes in the hopes that these connections will...
The Hidden Opponent x Sports Psychology Club The Hidden Opponent x Sports Psychology Club (THO x SPC) is designed to promote mental health to the student-athletes on campus. We would work hand in hand with the coaches and student-athletes to...
UMMA Volunteer Project (UVP) UMMA Volunteer Project (UVP) was founded in 1996 as a volunteer source for the UMMA Community Clinic, a free health clinic established by UCLA graduate and undergraduate students to serve the...
USAC Student Wellness Commission (SWC) The purpose of SWC is to advocate on behalf of the students regarding health and general well-being; to plan programs to improve student welfare and the community around them and to educate and...
- UVandMe Our mission is to forge a strong partnership with the Los Angeles youth community, working hand in hand to raise awareness and educate individuals about the importance of skin health, preventing skin...
Vietnamese Community Health Project at UCLA Vietnamese Community Health aspires to address the issue of preventative health through education, free services, and screenings in the Orange County and greater Los Angeles area. We attempt to...
Wazo Connect Wazo Connect is a peer mentorship program centered around improving mental health at UCLA. As a mentor, you are trained under CAPS, CARE and LGBTQ and then paired with a mentee where you will undergo...
We Kids United at UCLA The purpose of We Kids United at UCLA is to provide funding and resources to the larger We Kids United Corp, a non-profit organization that strives to educate doctors in Haiti in regards to POCUS...
Wellness in Nursing @ UCLA Wellness in Nursing is an organization that allows members to share and promote wellness within the scope of nursing.
- Wilderness Medicine Interest Group Dedicated to exploring the intersection of medicine and the great outdoors, WMIG provides hands-on experiences, workshops, and discussions focused on austere and remote healthcare. Join us to learn...
- Women's Health Nursing Organization The Women’s Health Nursing Organization (WHNO) advocates for women’s health by collaborating with healthcare professionals and working with our community to educate, empower, and provide holistic...
Yoga for the Heart Yoga for the Heart is a one-of-a-kind student organization that offers yoga with a twist! We aim to foster a supportive and inclusive community centered around mindfulness, journaling, and yoga. Our...