GSA Affiliated
- Center for Language, Interaction and Culture Graduate Student Association (CLIC GSA) CLIC GSA is a student organization that promotes interdisciplinary work at the intersections of language, culture, and conversational activities. Members include primarily graduate (and also...
- Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies Graduate Students Association (ELTSGSA) The Graduate Students Association of the Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies is responsible for student programming of events as well as representation/communication of student...
- First Generation Graduate Student Council, The The goal of the First Generation Graduate Student Council (FGGSC) is to (1) provide members in the first gen graduate student community the opportunity to meet, network, and grow professionally in a...
Iranian Graduate and Professional Association (IGPA) The Iranian Graduate and Professional Association (IGPA) is dedicated to serving Iranian graduate and professional scholars across the UCLA campus. We estimate that there are approximately 500...
Latine Graduate Student Association (LGSA) The Latine Graduate Student Association (LGSA) is an organization that strives to create a safe and welcoming space for Latine graduate students on campus across all departments and programs to come...
- PhD Student Nursing Association The PhD Student Nursing Association aims to foster peer-to-peer and faculty-student mentorship, build a supportive community among students, enhance relationships between students and faculty, and...
- School of the Arts and Architecture Council The School of the Arts and Architecture Council is part of the Graduate Student Association. The Graduate Student Association is a student-run, ASUCLA-affiliated organization that sponsors a variety...
Students of Color for Public Health Students of Color for Public Health is a graduate student organization dedicated to strengthening the social support, career networking, and advocacy efforts for UCLA Fielding School of Public Health...