ACEing Autism We are a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to helping children with autism grow through the sport of tennis. ACEing Autism is on a mission for children with autism to grow, develop and benefit...
Active Listening Club Active Listening Club is devoted to the exploration and appreciation of all musics. We gather to share, listen, and learn about the music that our members are passionate about and broaden the scope...
Backgammon Club at UCLA The Backgammon Club is going to be dedicated to forming a campus community of players who share a passion for this ancient and intellectually stimulating game. Whether an experienced player or...
Backpacking Club at UCLA An inclusive community of outgoing and adventurous people who enjoy exploring the outdoors, love nature, and are dedicated to environmental stewardship. We run backpacking and camping trips into the...
- Barbershop Harmony Club at UCLA A place for barbershop singing! The Barbershop style is 4-part a-cappella harmony. We welcome all voice parts, gender identities, and musical backgrounds (or lack thereof) to come sing a tag with us....
- Bridge Club at UCLA The Bridge Club is a space to learn and play the card game bridge, both casually and competitively. All experience levels are welcome and lessons will be provided. This club is supported by the...
Bruin Birding Club We are members of the UCLA community who are passionate about birds, birding, ornithology, and conservation. Undergraduates, graduate students, postdocts, faculty and other staff are all welcome....
Bruin Bladers & Rollerskaters Bruin Bladers & Rollerskaters is a community for all rollerbladers and rollerskaters, regardless of skill level! We host weekly on-campus skate sessions, as well as occasional off-campus skating...
Bruin Book Club at UCLA Bruin Book Club gathers readers together to motivate each other to read more consistently and have fun! We provide a place to discuss plot, characters, and thoughts, and to meet new friends. With...
- Bruin Builder Society Bruin Builder Society is a vibrant and welcoming recreational organization dedicated to forming long-lasting bonds and unleashing creativity through LEGO. We are an inclusive community of passionate...
Bruin Coalition On Recreation Expansion The mission of BCORE is to bring together diverse groups of stakeholders in recreation and amplify their voices to advocate for more recreation space and equipment. We will do this by increasing...
- Bruin Duelists' Association The Bruin Duelists' Association, or BDA, is dedicated to fans, players, and collectors of the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game. BDA hosts meetings to discuss the card game and trade cards as well as...
- Bruin Geolological Society This is meant to be the ucla geology club. We want to enrich students' understanding and appreciation of rocks and earth processes outside of the classroom. In doing so, we hope to get more students...
Bruin Sharpshooting Club Bruin Sharpshooting Club’s purpose is to: - Foster a community of UCLA students and faculties in sports shooting - Instruct members in the safe and proper usage of firearms - Educate members on how...
- Bruin Sportfishing Bruin Sportfishing is a casual, social, outdoor recreation-focused club designed for anyone who has an interest in fishing. Our meetings are designed to educate members on the ins and outs of fishing...
Coffee Club at UCLA The Coffee Club at UCLA is an organization founded with the intention of bringing students together through a shared love for coffee. Founded in 2024, the Coffee Club wants to provide a community for...
- Cubing Club at UCLA Although Rubik's Cubes are often seen as difficult to solve or simply annoying, solving them can be both enjoyable and engaging. We will meet in order to teach new members how to solve cubes, improve...
Go Club at UCLA Go Club at UCLA provides a place for go players of all levels to play with one another. We meet up every week. Beginners are welcomed and there will be lessons for beginners.
Herpetology at UCLA A club dedicated to the love and study of herpetofauna- snakes, frogs, lizards, salamanders, turtles and much more. Reptile and amphibian lovers and anyone who wants to learn is welcome!
Jogging Club at UCLA Jogging Club aims to foster a supportive community for students who are interested in running as a hobby, or who are interested in learning how to start. We will organize weekly jogs to show students...
- Magic, The Gathering @ UCLA A club focused on the popular trading card game Magic: the Gathering. This club focuses on all aspects of the game such as deck-building, strategy, camaraderie, and fostering a healthy competitive...
Mahjong Clubs at UCLA Mahjong Club at UCLA brings together students interested in Mahjong. Through Mahjong, we promote both Chinese and Japanese cultures. We create a friendly social and recreational environment for all...
Peaks & Professors at UCLA Peaks & Professors at UCLA is dedicated to bringing students and professors together outside the classroom. Our mission is to facilitate these unique interactions by leading small groups of students...
Pokemon Club at UCLA The club is a place to discuss and celebrate all parts of the Pokémon franchise, including the Video Games, the Trading Card Game, Pokémon Unite, Anime, and anything else Pokémon! In addition to our...
Quiz Bowl at UCLA Quiz Bowl is an academic trivia competition. We have fun learning as much as we can and competing against other universities.
Shining Stars: Horror Club at UCLA Welcome to UCLA’s horror cinema club! This is a no-commitment social club for horror lovers, from routine trivia winners to baby bats. We screen one horror film each week, starting with easy viewings...
Super Smash Bros. Club at UCLA Club at UCLA dedicated to fostering a community around the Super Smash Bros. game series by Nintendo. We host weekly Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournaments for more competitive players and also...
The Potato Game The Potato Game will be a campus-wide game that aims to foster new friendships while brightening up the school day. The game rules will be as follows: Several people will be assigned a "hot potato,"...
The Reader in the Rye Inclusive community where we read and discuss classic novels and works of literature. We also hold events where we watch and critique their corresponding movie adaptations. ...
Transfer Bruin Reading Society The Transfer Bruin Reading Society is a social club at UCLA that is open to all students, including both traditional four-year students and transfer students. The club aims to create a community...
Whistling Club at UCLA This club shall be a space for Bruins who enjoy whistling to gather together, whistle as an ensemble, and improve one's whistling ability....
“brvino” Undergraduate Wine Club “brvino” Undergraduate Wine Club is created to deliver wine education to UCLA undergraduates and bring together interested students. We want to educate our members on the infinite diversity of the...