AAPI Pre-Law Society APS is an undergraduate Pre-Law society that aims to not only empower the AAPI community but also build the next generation of UCLA lawyers. We are passionate about promoting safety and justice for...
AI Robotics Ethics Society As technology advances at an exponential rate, it is imperative that we begin thinking about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will impact society at different levels of daily life, with a focus on...
- Aleph: Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences Aleph (pronounced “ah-lef”) is UCLA’s only official journal publishing undergraduate research in the humanities, social sciences, and behavioral sciences. Run by undergraduates who review...
- Asian Pacific American Law Journal The Asian Pacific American Law Journal (APALJ) focuses exclusively on the legal, social and political issues affecting Asian Pacific American communities. APALJ plays an important role by providing a...
Bruin Bites Food Magazine Bruin Bites is UCLA’s first food publication that aims to serve as a guide to the undergraduate community through quarterly publications sharing favorite on-campus food spots, dining halls,...
- Bruin Political Review Bruin Political Review (BPR) is the University of California, Los Angeles’ student-run, nonpartisan political journal. BPR publishes a quarterly journal that consists of articles split into two...
BruinLife Student Media BruinLife currently has two live publications: the BruinLife Annual, i.e., the yearbook, and BruinLife Online, or The BruinLife Annual and its predecessor “Southern Campus” have...
- Chicanx Latinx Law Review Over the last 50 years, the Chicanx-Latinx Law Review (CLLR) has provided an essential forum for the discussion of central issues affecting the Latinx community.
Dead Writers Society Dead Writers Society is an undergraduate-run literary organization dedicated to creative writing. Dead Writers Society allows aspiring writers to share their work and receive peer feedback while...
- Disability Law Journal at UCLA The Disability Law Journal at UCLA (DLJ) focuses on current topics in disability law and related fields. The DLJ seeks to develop a discourse regarding disability law by publishing articles;...
- Dukeminier Awards Journal of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law Each year, scholars, lawyers, judges, and law students throughout the United States publish hundreds of articles concerning various aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity law. The Williams...
- Entertainment Law Review, The The purpose of this organization is to: Publish scholarly and timely articles, comments and recent developments by experts in the legal field, and by students of UCLA, on legal issues concerning and...
Fem Newsmagazine FEM, UCLA’s feminist newsmagazine since 1973, is dedicated to the empowerment of all people, the recognition of gender diversity, the dismantling of systems of oppression, and the application of...
- Indigenous Peoples' Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance We are the Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance and we are here to serve as a law journal that publishes writings concerning Native Peoples’ cultures, traditions, and histories....
- Journal of Environmental Law and Policy The purpose of the Journal of Environmental Law and Policy is to publish a bi-annual journal of timely, relevant scholarship in the field of environmental law and policy.
- Journal of Gender and Law at UCLA The Journal of Gender and Law situates itself in the evolving and multifaceted feminist movement, attuned to the dynamic challenges facing women and other marginalized genders beyond the walls of...
- Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, The The UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs is an interdisciplinary publication promoting scholarship in international law and foreign relations.
- Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law The Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law (JINEL) at UCLA is published once a year. As the first law school journal in the West dealing with this topic, JINEL’s goal is to emphasize and critically...
- Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) The UCLA Journal of Law & Technology (JOLT) strives to publish quality scholarship on Intellectual Property Law and other legal issues at the intersection of law and modern technology. JOLT seeks to...
Law Review, UCLA The UCLA Law Review is published six times a year by the students of the UCLA School of Law and the Regents of the University of California. The Law Review is a completely student-run organization...
- Medical Literature Society We are an online news platform seeking to create a centralized source for all information that pertains to pre-health students. Additionally, we want to empower the pre-health community by creating a...
Morning Sign Out at UCLA Morning Sign Out: UCLA Chapter is dedicated to the modernization of medicine, both by utilizing cutting-edge platforms such as health fairs and social media to promote health literacy among the...
NOMMO Nommo is the Afrikan Newsmagazine at UCLA. It draws its name from the Ki-Swahili term Nommo, which means the magical power of the word. First printed December 4, 1968, Nommo joined UCLA’s Student...
- Pacific Basin Law Journal Pacific Basin Law Journal (PBLJ) is the second oldest journal at UCLAW, founded in 1982. PBLJ publishes twice a year on a diverse range of legal and policy issues concerning the Pacific Rim, which...
- People's Vanguard of LA The People's Vanguard of LA provides students with the opportunity to learn how to write journalistically. We encourage students to engage with topics such as social justice, campus news, and city...
Philosophy Club at UCLA The chief goal of the Philosophy Club is to provide a space for students to share and discuss ideas in an open-minded, friendly and respectful environment. This is a place where you can grapple with...
POOL POOL is a nonprofit student-led publication dedicated to providing an outlet for creative work that traditionally falls outside of the scope of academic architectural institutions.
Párrafo Párrafo is an art and literary magazine under the direction of the graduate students of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese of the University of California, Los Angeles. Párrafo publishes...
- Student Journalist Association Journalism interest at UCLA
Undergraduate Law Journal at UCLA The Undergraduate Law Journal (ULJ) at UCLA provides a forum for undergraduate students across the country to either write or edit a 15-25 page law journal article. ULJ gives pre-law students the...
Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology, The An annual publication of collaborative efforts between undergraduate students at UCLA and other universities, The Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at UCLA aims to promote and disseminate student...
Undergraduate Science Journal The Undergraduate Science Journal (USJ) is a peer-reviewed, student-run academic journal funded by UCLA’s Undergraduate Research Center–Sciences (URC–Sciences) with support from the UCLA Clinical and...
Westwind: Journal of the Arts Westwind is an undergraduate-run, journal of the arts that publishes literary and visual art works in print and digital media from across the UCLA community.
Westwood Enabler, The Founded in 2014, The Westwood Enabler is a student-run satirical newspaper. Modeled off the Onion, The Enabler is dedicated to building a community of aspiring humor writers at UCLA, as well as...