Teaching and Learning Center
Upcoming Events
Winter IDMP Showcase: AI In Higher Ed
Thu 3/6 • 11AM - 12:30PM PST RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Libary (YRL) Room 21570
Why You Should Come: This is not another generic AI talk! You’ll walk away with a new perspective on AI in higher education and insights you won’t find in mainstream discussions. Session Title: AI in Higher Ed: What's Changing & What No One is...
2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions
Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP
Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....
TLC Winter Drop-In Hours
Thu 3/13 • 2PM - 4PM PDT
Powell 190
Join the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement team for our final drop-in hours of the quarter. Come for coffee, snacks, and grading support during this social working session. #GraduateProfessional #TAs #Postdocs
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 1)
Mon 3/31 • 10AM - 12PM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In this informal drop-in session, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, teaching...
Setting the Stage: The First Week Experience to Cultivate Student Belonging Workshop
Tue 4/1 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Setting the Stage: The First Week Experience to Cultivate Student Belonging" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Caroline Kong and Lisa Felipe. It is never too early to create...
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 1)
Thu 4/3 • 12PM - 2PM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In this informal drop-in session, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, teaching...
Winter IDMP Showcase 2: Beyond AI Basics - What Faculty Actually Need to Know
Thu 4/10 • 11AM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP
If March’s session got you thinking, this one will go further. Faculty are struggling to keep up with AI’s rapid evolution—but there’s a reason why some are thriving while others are overwhelmed. This session will dig into real faculty experiences...
Designing and Using Rubrics: Why and How Workshop
Tue 4/15 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Designing and Using Rubrics: Why and How" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Sammy Solis and Lisa Felipe. This workshop will delve into the principles of equity in assessment,...
Assessing Student Learning and Gathering Student Feedback Throughout the Quarter Workshop
Tue 4/22 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Assessing Student Learning and Gathering Student Feedback Throughout the Quarter" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Lisa Felipe and Caroline Kong. In this workshop,...
Developing a Reflective Teaching Practice Workshop
Wed 4/23 • 11AM - 12PM PDT RSVP
Powell Library, Room 190
Please join us for the "Developing a Reflective Teaching Practice" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Sammy Solis. In this workshop, we discuss the benefits of reflective teaching practices on...
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 5)
Mon 4/28 • 2PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In these informal drop-in sessions, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, inclusive...
Learning Objectives and Backward Design Workshop
Wed 4/30 • 2PM - 3PM PDT RSVP
Powell Library, Room 190
Please join us for the "Learning Objectives and Backward Design" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center and facilitated by Sammy Solis. In this workshop, participants will explore the benefits of backward design, a framework for...
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 5)
Thu 5/1 • 9:30AM - 11:30AM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In these informal drop-in sessions, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, inclusive...