Wednesday March 3/12
2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions
Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP
Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....
Thursday March 3/13
2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions
Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP
Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....
TLC Winter Drop-In Hours
Thu 3/13 • 2PM - 4PM PDT
Powell 190
Join the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement team for our final drop-in hours of the quarter. Come for coffee, snacks, and grading support during this social working session. #GraduateProfessional #TAs #Postdocs
Friday March 3/14
2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions
Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP
Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....
Conference: Cases and Scale in Historiography
Fri 3/14 • 10AM - 5PM PDT RSVP
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
In the last few decades, debates stemming from the science and history “wars” have called attention to the ways in which cases are constructed and proven across disciplines. This has led to questions about the nature and selection of evidence, the...
Saturday March 3/15
2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions
Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP
Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....
Winter 2025 Study Nights
Sat 3/15 • 6PM - Wed 3/19 • 2AM PDT
De Neve Plaza Rooms, Carnesale Palisades, Covel Grand Horizon
Need a quiet place to focus? Join us for open study spaces across The Hill during finals! Enjoy extended hours and a distraction-free environment.
Sunday March 3/16
2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions
Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP
Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....
Tuesday March 3/18
2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions
Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP
Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....
USP UndocuAlly Winter 2025
Tue 3/18 • 12PM - Thu 3/20 • 12PM PDT RSVP
Dear UCLA Community, We are excited to announce that the Undocumented Student Program (USP) housed within the Bruin Resource Center (BRC) will be facilitating UndocuAlly Training Sessions at the end of this Winter Quarter. If you're...
Wednesday March 3/19
Website Makers Meetup
Wed 3/19 • 11AM - 12PM PDT
These meetups are for people who make websites. Join us every other week, on Wednesday at 11am, to ask any questions you may have about making websites at UCLA.
Thursday March 3/20
Webinar: Natural Disasters and Community Well-Being
Thu 3/20 • 2PM - 3PM PDT
Join the Latina Futures 2050 Lab for a discussion of community-led responses to natural disasters while examining the intersection of community preservation, environmental justice, and systemic inequality.
Public Affairs Major Application Information Session #2
Thu 3/20 • 4PM - 5PM PDT RSVP
Are you applying to the Public Affairs major this year? Join us at the Public Affairs Major Application Information Session to learn about the major application eligibility criteria and application process! The major application information...
Wednesday March 3/26
Public Affairs Major Application Information Session #3
Wed 3/26 • 2PM - 3PM PDT RSVP
Are you applying to the Public Affairs major this year? Join us at the Public Affairs Major Application Information Session to learn about the major application eligibility criteria and application process! The major application information...
Monday March 3/31
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 1)
Mon 3/31 • 10AM - 12PM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In this informal drop-in session, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, teaching...
Tuesday April 4/1
Setting the Stage: The First Week Experience to Cultivate Student Belonging Workshop
Tue 4/1 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Setting the Stage: The First Week Experience to Cultivate Student Belonging" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Caroline Kong and Lisa Felipe. It is never too early to create...
Writing an Abstract
Tue 4/1 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
Boyer Hall 130
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to effectively summarize your research by writing an abstract. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering disciplines, and...
Wednesday April 4/2
Website Makers Meetup
Wed 4/2 • 11AM - 12PM PDT
These meetups are for people who make websites. Join us every other week, on Wednesday at 11am, to ask any questions you may have about making websites at UCLA.
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Wed 4/2 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Writing a STEM Abstract
Wed 4/2 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
Boyer Hall 130
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to effectively summarize your research by writing an abstract. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering disciplines, and...
Thursday April 4/3
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 1)
Thu 4/3 • 12PM - 2PM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In this informal drop-in session, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, teaching...
STEM Abstract Feedback Session
Thu 4/3 • 2PM - 5PM PDT
Life Sciences Building 2121
Bring a printout of your abstract draft and meet one-on-one with one of our Graduate Student Mentors to get personalized feedback. These feedback sessions are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and...
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Thu 4/3 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
Boyer Hall 130
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Sunday April 4/6
FAB - Estimathon
Sun 4/6 • 2PM - 5PM PDT
De Neve Plaza Rooms
Estimathon is a team-based event that combines math, trivia, and creative problem-solving. Participants work together to estimate answers to quirky math or science questions.
Monday April 4/7
STEM Abstract Feedback Session
Mon 4/7 • 2PM - 5PM PDT
Life Sciences Building 2121
Bring a printout of your abstract draft and meet one-on-one with one of our Graduate Student Mentors to get personalized feedback. These feedback sessions are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and...
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Mon 4/7 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
Boyer Hall 130
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Tuesday April 4/8
10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Increasing Access in Reading Assignments
Tue 4/8 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP
Title: Increasing Access in Reading Assignments #engaging-digital-reading #deep-reading #pdf-tips Description: Students read on screens all the time, but due to constraints in digital reading tools, they may not be engaging deeply with the new...
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Tue 4/8 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
Boyer Hall 130
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Writing a STEM Abstract
Tue 4/8 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to effectively summarize your research by writing an abstract. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering disciplines, and...
Wednesday April 4/9
Seeking Liberation: Contemporary Female Ascetic Orders Among the Jains
Wed 4/9 • 2PM - 3PM PDT RSVP
Present day records show an overwhelming numerical preponderance of nuns in Jain mendicant orders. Their striking presence demands that we question the androcentric models of renunciation in South Asia, as well as interrogate the commonsensical...
STEM Abstract Feedback Session
Wed 4/9 • 2PM - 5PM PDT
Life Sciences Building 2121
Bring a printout of your abstract draft and meet one-on-one with one of our Graduate Student Mentors to get personalized feedback. These feedback sessions are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and...
Writing a STEM Abstract
Wed 4/9 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to effectively summarize your research by writing an abstract. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering disciplines, and...
Thursday April 4/10
Winter IDMP Showcase 2: Beyond AI Basics - What Faculty Actually Need to Know
Thu 4/10 • 11AM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP
If March’s session got you thinking, this one will go further. Faculty are struggling to keep up with AI’s rapid evolution—but there’s a reason why some are thriving while others are overwhelmed. This session will dig into real faculty experiences...
STEM Abstract Feedback Session
Thu 4/10 • 2PM - 5PM PDT
Life Sciences Building 2121
Bring a printout of your abstract draft and meet one-on-one with one of our Graduate Student Mentors to get personalized feedback. These feedback sessions are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and...
Friday April 4/11
Navigating Mental Health in the Classroom
Fri 4/11 • 9AM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP
UCLA Luskin Conference Center
Please join us for the "Navigating Mental Health in the Classroom" workshop, part of our Instructor Wellbeing series, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Ross Szabo. This event is a practical training designed...
Early Global Caribbean: Conference 3: Materialities
Fri 4/11 • 10AM - Sat 4/12 • 1PM PDT RSVP
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
The tangible realities of daily life and the patterns of exchange in the Caribbean and the other Atlantic regions integrated into the Caribbean’s orbit enhance our understanding of the local dimensions of global processes that have long shaped the...
Tuesday April 4/15
10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Navigating Unexpected Conversations in Office Hours: Breaking It Down
Tue 4/15 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP
Title: Navigating Unexpected Conversations in Office Hours: Breaking It Down #unpracticed_conversations #office_hours #supporting-students #TAs #postdocs Description: Join us for a preview of one of our most popular professional development...
Designing and Using Rubrics: Why and How Workshop
Tue 4/15 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Designing and Using Rubrics: Why and How" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Sammy Solis and Lisa Felipe. This workshop will delve into the principles of equity in assessment,...
Wednesday April 4/16
Spread and Stack: The Development of the Roman Catholic Church from 33-461
Wed 4/16 • 12:30PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP
Kaplan Hall, 365
In this talk by Gabriel Rossman, he attempts to explain the development of Christianity over its first six centuries from a highly localized charismatic sect to a hierarchical structure spanning much of the world. Rossman conceives of the formation...
Thursday April 4/17
FAB - Health Career Net Working Night
Thu 4/17 • 5PM - 9PM PDT
Carnesale Palisades, Hermosa, Venice, Malibu
Pre-health undergraduates come to network with professionals of their aspiring career paths and are exposed to new career options as well. There will also be multiple workshops, panels, and professional school application advising to further offer...
#Undergraduate #FacultyStaff #Alumni #Educational #PreProfessional
Monday April 4/21
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Mon 4/21 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops here.
Tuesday April 4/22
10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Motivating Students with Growth Mindset Feedback
Tue 4/22 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP
Title: Motivating Students with Growth Mindset Feedback #growth-mindset #supporting-students #FacultyStaff #TAs #graduate-instructors #postdocs Description: Join GSPSE to learn about techniques for delivering feedback that stimulates students'...
Assessing Student Learning and Gathering Student Feedback Throughout the Quarter Workshop
Tue 4/22 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Assessing Student Learning and Gathering Student Feedback Throughout the Quarter" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Lisa Felipe and Caroline Kong. In this workshop,...
Presenting STEM Research
Tue 4/22 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
Boyer Hall 130
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to translate your research project into an accessible presentation. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering, and will...
Wednesday April 4/23
Developing a Reflective Teaching Practice Workshop
Wed 4/23 • 11AM - 12PM PDT RSVP
Powell Library, Room 190
Please join us for the "Developing a Reflective Teaching Practice" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Sammy Solis. In this workshop, we discuss the benefits of reflective teaching practices on...
Presenting STEM Research
Wed 4/23 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to translate your research project into an accessible presentation. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering, and will...
Monday April 4/28
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 5)
Mon 4/28 • 2PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In these informal drop-in sessions, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, inclusive...
Misusing the Bible: White Evangelicalism and Christian Nationalism in America
Mon 4/28 • 2PM - 5PM PDT RSVP
Royce Hall, Room 306
White Evangelicalism and Christian Nationalism has occupied an increasingly prominent position since—and in many ways before—the first Trump administration. Events such as January 6 and the second Trump presidency have highlighted the entanglement...
Tuesday April 4/29
10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: How to Create Community Agreements
Tue 4/29 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP
Title: How to Create Community Agreements #community-agreements #classroom-norms #cocreating-the-learning-environment Description: In this session, instructors will learn concrete strategies for creating and using community agreements, one of...
Citizenship Discrimination and Global Inequality
Tue 4/29 • 1PM - 2:30PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)
Presented by the UCLA Library and the Jacob Marschak Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Mathematics in the Behavioral Sciences Speaker: Charles Kurzman, professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Why are citizens of...
Presenting STEM Research
Tue 4/29 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to translate your research project into an accessible presentation. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering, and will...
Wednesday April 4/30
Learning Objectives and Backward Design Workshop
Wed 4/30 • 2PM - 3PM PDT RSVP
Powell Library, Room 190
Please join us for the "Learning Objectives and Backward Design" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center and facilitated by Sammy Solis. In this workshop, participants will explore the benefits of backward design, a framework for...
Thursday May 5/1
Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 5)
Thu 5/1 • 9:30AM - 11:30AM PDT RSVP
Please join the Educational Development Program team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In these informal drop-in sessions, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, inclusive...
Instructor Wellbeing: Intro to Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
Thu 5/1 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Powell Library, room 190
Please join us for an introductory workshop on trauma-informed pedagogy, part of the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center’s Instructor Wellbeing initiative. The workshop will be facilitated by Sammy Solis and Derisa Grant. What is trauma and what...
Tuesday May 5/6
10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: How to Use Student Experiences of Teaching (SET) Data to Inform Your Teaching
Tue 5/6 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP
Title: How to Use Student Experiences of Teaching (SET) Data to Inform Your Teaching #student-experiences-of-teaching #data-informed-teaching Description: This workshop offers practical strategies for leveraging Student Experiences of Teaching...
Beyond the Discussion Board: Polling, Social Annotation, Forums and Other Ways to Engage Students
Tue 5/6 • 12PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Beyond the Discussion Board: Polling, Social Annotation, Forums and Other Ways to Engage Students" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The workshop will be facilitated by Caroline Kong. ...
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Tue 5/6 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Wednesday May 5/7
Presenting STEM Research
Wed 5/7 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to translate your research project into an accessible presentation. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering, and will...
Thursday May 5/8
Progressive Activists and the Bible
Thu 5/8 • 11:15AM - 12:15PM PDT RSVP
Some of America’s most effective reformers did not just refer to the Bible, but fused their own struggles with its narratives, seeing themselves as part of a cosmic divine battle within history. Claudia Setzer will have us consider how abolitionist...
Bruin Day • Saturday May 5/10
AlgoEd x UCLA Global Medical Brigades Science/Medical Competition
Sat 5/10 • 8AM PDT
UCLA's Global Medical Brigades chapter has teamed up with AlgoEd, a company that provides platforms for middle school and high school students to participate in large-scale competitions. This event will include medical and science related questions...
Tuesday May 5/13
Power and Alterity in Black Religious Thought
Tue 5/13 • 12:30PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP
Kaplan Hall, 365
Who is the human? What is legitimate religion? Who is left out of these discourses? Questions of power, humanity, and alterity animate religious discourse and responses to oppression. Leveraging the Rastafari movement and interrogating religious...
#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Tue 5/13 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Wednesday May 5/14
Navigating Charged Conversations in the Classroom
Wed 5/14 • 9AM - 10:30AM PDT RSVP
Powell Library, room 190
Please join us for the "Navigating Charged Conversations in the Classroom” workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Derisa Grant. Handling a classroom discussion that suddenly becomes contentious can be a...
Sunday May 5/18
PLAY Day 2025
Sun 5/18 • 9AM - 2PM PDT
Intramural Fields
For our 28th year, Bruin Belles Service Association is proud to present Players Leading Active Youth Day, also known as P.L.A.Y. Day. This event will bring together UCLA Athletics and Bruin Belles for a day of learning and fun with underserved,...
Tuesday May 5/20
10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: How to Compare and Evaluate AI Tools
Tue 5/20 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP
Title: How to Compare and Evaluate AI Tools #GenAI #pick-your-innovation #diffusion-of-innovation #enhancing-teaching-and-learning Description: Choosing the right AI tool can be a real challenge. This short presentation provides a practical...
Empowered Teaching: Ungrading 101 Workshop
Tue 5/20 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570
Please join us for the "Empowered Teaching: Ungrading 101” workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Caroline Kong and Sammy Solis. In this workshop, participants will explore “ungrading,” a framework that...
Strange Bedfellows: The Alliance Theory of Political Belief Systems
Tue 5/20 • 1PM - 2:30PM PDT RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)
Presented by the UCLA Library and the Jacob Marschak Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Mathematics in the Behavioral Sciences What explains the contents of political belief systems? A widespread view is that they derive from abstract values like...
Friday May 5/23
Symposium: Women and Goddesses in Jainism
Fri 5/23 • 2PM - 5PM PDT RSVP
Hershey Hall Salon
Throughout the history of Jainism, one of the world’s oldest living religions, Jain women have played a crucial role. Jain renouncers, whose self-denying lifestyle is revered as the highest ideal, are predominantly female, while Jain laywomen tend...
Thursday May 5/29
Getting into Research & SRP-99 Workshop
Thu 5/29 • 3PM - 4PM PDT RSVP
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.