Wednesday February 2/19
CPT Webinars (for F-1 Visa Students)
Wed 2/19 • 10AM - 11AM PST
UCLA F-1 visa students, do you want to know more about off-campus employment authorization? Join us on one of our weekly CPT webinars hosted by the Dashew Center staff to learn more! Time: 10 - 11am (Pacific Time) via...
Website Makers Meetup
Wed 2/19 • 11AM - 12PM PST
These meetups are for people who make websites. Join us every other week, on Wednesday at 11am, to ask any questions you may have about making websites at UCLA.
Immigration Insight Webinar
Wed 2/19 • 12PM - 1PM PST
Your are invited to a webinar hosted by UCLA Legal Services on the topic of EB-1A Extraordinary Ability and NIW Green Cards. Join the webinar on February 19, 2025 at 12:00pm (PT) using this Zoom Link.
Tools for Engaging in Difficult Conversations: Learn@Lunch with UCLA Ombuds & Staff Assembly
Wed 2/19 • 12PM - 1PM PST
Charles E. Young Research Library - Main Conference Room (Room 11360)
The Office of Ombuds Services empowers the UCLA community to address concerns in a confidential, impartial, and informal setting. Join us as we learn more about the role of the Ombuds Office in facilitating conflict resolution, fostering open...
Webinar - Immigration Insight: EB-1A & NIW Green Cards
Wed 2/19 • 12PM - 1PM PST
Discussion on the general requirements and process for acquiring lawful permanent residency (green card) under the EB-1A Extraordinary Ability and National Interest Waiver (NIW) categories
Thursday February 2/20
Creating Accessible Digital Course Materials Workshop
Thu 2/20 • 12PM - 1PM PST RSVP
Powell 186
Please join us for the "Creating Accessible Digital Course Materials" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center and facilitated by Ava Arndt and Derisa Grant. In this interactive workshop, participants will gain an understanding of...
Blatinx on the Block
Thu 2/20 • 12PM - 4PM PST
Wilson Plaza
Organized by Afro-Latinx Connection de UCLA, this community event will celebrate the Afro-Latinx diaspora and encourage cross-campus Black and Brown solidarity. Everyone is invited to enjoy food, performances, and music in the spirit of love and...
What's in the Library For Me? Starting Your Research Journey in the UCLA Library
Thu 2/20 • 1PM - 2PM PST RSVP
In this workshop, find out how the UCLA Library can help you become a researcher. Learn about the different campus library units and all the resources and services designed to support scholars in the beginning stages of the research cycle.
Tax Education Workshop for International Students
Thu 2/20 • 5PM - 6:30PM PST RSVP
This workshop presented by UCLA VITA will inform students about the tax filing process, review different tax forms and where to seek support when looking to file. We encourage all international students to attend.
#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational
Friday February 2/21
Early Global Caribbean: Conference 2: Convictions
Fri 2/21 • 10AM - Sat 2/22 • 1:15PM PST RSVP
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
The diverse peoples who converged on the Caribbean before 1700 held a range of differing beliefs, ideas about the natural world, and understandings of social, political, and spiritual order. Considering how Indigenous, African, and European systems...
Life Skills 360 Virtual Panel
Fri 2/21 • 12PM - 1PM PST
Associated Students UCLA, invites you to join us for an informational panel. We will be demonstrating ASUCLA's webpage Life Skills 360 and have representatives from UCLA Finacial Wellness, Basic Needs and CAPS to answer share valuable resources and...
#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic
Tuesday February 2/25
10 + 10 Pop-Up Series
Tue 2/25 • 10AM - 10:20AM PST RSVP
Title: Looking Ahead to Spring Quarter: Welcoming Your Students to Your Course #myucla-email, #Bruin-Learn-Announcements, #pre-course-surveys, #name-pronunciation Description: Join us as we explore a variety of practices for welcoming students into...
Emotional Scripts and the Fate of U.S. Expansion in the Vigilante Mountain West, 1864 to 1866
Tue 2/25 • 12PM - 1PM PST RSVP
The Montana Vigilantes, as they have become known within the popular nostalgia of the Wild West, were almost immediately and are still often hailed as heroes of the frontier in their brave efforts to fill in for the American justice system in the...
Empowered Teaching: Building Resilient Instructor/TA Teams Workshop
Tue 2/25 • 12PM - 1:30PM PST RSVP
Powell 186
Please join us for the "Empowered Teaching: Building Resilient Instructor/TA Teams" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), and facilitated by Sammy Solis and Derisa Grant. In this case-based workshop for both instructors...
Nonprofit Networking Night
Tue 2/25 • 5PM - 8PM PST
Covel Grand Horizon Ballroom
This networking event is designed to connect UCLA students and young alumni with non-profit career professionals who share similar career aspirations. Students who are interested in learning more about or are looking for opportunities (e.g. jobs,...
Wednesday February 2/26
Book Talk: Christopher A. Loperena presents "The Ends of Paradise"
Wed 2/26 • 11AM - 1PM PST
Haines Hall Rm 144
In his award-winning book The Ends of Paradise: Race, Extraction, and the Struggle for Black Life in Honduras, Loperena examines the Garifuna struggle for life and collective autonomy and demonstrates how this struggle challenges concerted efforts...
How to Publish Open Access at Little to No Cost
Wed 2/26 • 1PM - 2PM PST RSVP
Publishing open access can be expensive for authors, but the Library can help. Through publisher agreements that can cover most, if not all, publishing costs to the University’s institutional repository eScholarship, the Library can assist in...
OPT Webinars (for F-1 Visa Students)
Wed 2/26 • 2PM - 3PM PST
UCLA F-1 visa students, do you want to know more about off-campus employment authorization? Join us on one of our weekly OPT webinars hosted by the Dashew Center staff to learn more! Time: 2 - 3pm (Pacific Time) via...
Bring Your Own Syllabus: Co-working and Consultation Session
Wed 2/26 • 2PM - 4PM PST RSVP
Are you looking to refresh, rewrite, or rethink your syllabus? Are you designing a new course and want to learn about best practices for syllabus design? Join us in Zoom for a co-working session during which you will look at example syllabi,...
Tuesday March 3/4
The Crisis of Human Collective Decision-making in a Social Media World
Tue 3/4 • 1PM - 2:30PM PST RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)
Speaker: Carl T. Bergstrom, professor in the Dept. of Biology at the University of Washington, Seattle We are a species of information foragers. Individually and collectively, we have evolved to scour our natural and social environments for useful...
Undergraduate Research Week Info. Session
Tue 3/4 • 3PM - 4PM PST
Powell Library CLICC B (Room 320B)
Undergraduate Research Week Info. Session DATE CHANGE: Tuesday, March 4 @ 3 p.m. in Powell Library CLICC B (Room 320B) and via Zoom Join us for the official launch of Undergraduate Research Week 2025! This engaging Information Session will kick...
URC Sciences presents Getting into Research
Tue 3/4 • 3PM - 4PM PST
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Wednesday March 3/5
URC Sciences presents Writing an Abstract
Wed 3/5 • 3PM - 4PM PST
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to effectively summarize your research by writing an abstract. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering disciplines, and...
Thursday March 3/6
Winter IDMP Showcase: AI In Higher Ed
Thu 3/6 • 11AM - 12:30PM PST RSVP
Charles E. Young Research Libary (YRL) Room 21570
Why You Should Come: This is not another generic AI talk! You’ll walk away with a new perspective on AI in higher education and insights you won’t find in mainstream discussions. Session Title: AI in Higher Ed: What's Changing & What No One is...
The Codex Osuna: A Landmark Nahua Lawsuit in Early Colonial Mexico City
Thu 3/6 • 12PM - 1PM PST RSVP
Ph.D. Student Sofia Yazpik presents a work-in-progress session on The Codex Osuna, or the Pintura del gobernador, alcaldes y regidores de México (Painting of the Municipal Governor, Judges, and Councilors of Mexico), a pictorial and Nahuatl-language...
Managing Citations with Zotero
Thu 3/6 • 1PM - 2PM PST RSVP
This workshop will introduce you to Zotero, a powerful tool for managing your research references. Learn how to efficiently organize, cite, and format your sources, saving you time and ensuring academic integrity. We'll cover essential skills like...
Friday March 3/7
Thinking Gender Graduate Student Conference: Gendered Labors & Transnational Solidarities
Fri 3/7
James West Alumni Center, The Collins Conference Room, 325 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
35th Annual Graduate Student Research Conference “Gendered Labors & Transnational Solidarities” When: Friday, March 7, 2025 (in-person) 8:30?AM – 6:00?PM PST Where: James West Alumni Center, The Collins Conference Room, 325 Westwood Plaza, Los...
Saturday March 3/8
Preserving Your Family History
Sat 3/8 • 10AM - 12:30PM PST RSVP
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
Join us at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library to learn the basics of understanding and caring for your family heirlooms with the Clark’s librarians and conservators from the UCLA Library Preservation & Conservation Department. Many of us...
Monday March 3/10
Katherine Philips, Meta-Metaphysical Poet
Mon 3/10 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP
Arya Sureshbabu, Ph.D. Candidate in English (UC Berkeley) and recipient of the 2024–25 Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Graduate Research Fellowship, explores how Katherine Philips’s poetics blur the lines between affection, interpretation, and creative...
URC Sciences presents Getting into Research
Mon 3/10 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
Tuesday March 3/11
URC Sciences presents Writing an Abstract
Tue 3/11 • 3PM - 4PM PDT
Boyer Hall, Room 130
Our Graduate Student Mentors will show you how to effectively summarize your research by writing an abstract. These workshops are designed for students conducting research in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering disciplines, and...
Thursday March 3/13
TLC Winter Drop-In Hours
Thu 3/13 • 2PM - 4PM PDT
Powell 190
Join the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement team for our final drop-in hours of the quarter. Come for coffee, snacks, and grading support during this social working session. #GraduateProfessional #TAs #Postdocs
Friday March 3/14
Conference: Cases and Scale in Historiography
Fri 3/14 • 10AM - 5PM PDT RSVP
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
In the last few decades, debates stemming from the science and history “wars” have called attention to the ways in which cases are constructed and proven across disciplines. This has led to questions about the nature and selection of evidence, the...
Tuesday April 4/8
Progressive Activists and the Bible
Tue 4/8 • 11AM - 12:15PM PDT RSVP
Some of America’s most effective reformers did not just refer to the Bible, but fused their own struggles with its narratives, seeing themselves as part of a cosmic divine battle within history. Claudia Setzer will have us consider how abolitionist...
Wednesday April 4/9
Seeking Liberation: Contemporary Female Ascetic Orders Among the Jains
Wed 4/9 • 2PM - 3PM PDT RSVP
Present day records show an overwhelming numerical preponderance of nuns in Jain mendicant orders. Their striking presence demands that we question the androcentric models of renunciation in South Asia, as well as interrogate the commonsensical...
Thursday April 4/10
Winter IDMP Showcase 2: Beyond AI Basics - What Faculty Actually Need to Know
Thu 4/10 • 11AM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP
If March’s session got you thinking, this one will go further. Faculty are struggling to keep up with AI’s rapid evolution—but there’s a reason why some are thriving while others are overwhelmed. This session will dig into real faculty experiences...
Friday April 4/11
Early Global Caribbean: Conference 3: Materialities
Fri 4/11 • 10AM - Sat 4/12 • 1PM PDT RSVP
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
The tangible realities of daily life and the patterns of exchange in the Caribbean and the other Atlantic regions integrated into the Caribbean’s orbit enhance our understanding of the local dimensions of global processes that have long shaped the...
Wednesday April 4/16
Spread and Stack: The Development of the Roman Catholic Church from 33-461
Wed 4/16 • 12:30PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP
Kaplan Hall, 365
In this talk by Gabriel Rossman, he attempts to explain the development of Christianity over its first six centuries from a highly localized charismatic sect to a hierarchical structure spanning much of the world. Rossman conceives of the formation...
Tuesday May 5/13
Power and Alterity in Black Religious Thought
Tue 5/13 • 12:30PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP
Kaplan Hall, 365
Who is the human? What is legitimate religion? Who is left out of these discourses? Questions of power, humanity, and alterity animate religious discourse and responses to oppression. Leveraging the Rastafari movement and interrogating religious...
#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational