Faculty & Staff

Wednesday March 3/26

Boost Classroom Engagement and Take Attendance with iClicker Cloud Polling Tools

Wed 3/26 • 12PM PDT RSVP


Join our training session to learn how to use iClicker Cloud to engage your students and gather real-time feedback. Facilitators will guide you through the process of running polling activities during class, gather attendance records, and sync...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Monday March 3/31

Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 1)

Mon 3/31 • 10AM - 12PM PDT RSVP

Please join the Educational Development Programs team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In this informal drop-in session, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, teaching...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Tuesday April 4/1

5 Ways to Explore Taking Class Attendance

Tue 4/1 • 12PM PDT RSVP


Join our session designed exclusively for faculty and teaching assistants (TAs) to explore various methods of class attendance tracking. Learn how to efficiently manage attendance using tools such as Bruin Learn, Google Forms, iClicker, and Zoom....


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Learn at Lunch: Canva

Tue 4/1 • 12PM - 1PM PDT


With the recent rollout of Canva licenses, BruinTech would like to invite you to join our next Learn at Lunch: Canva on Tuesday, April 1 from 12-1PM (Zoom). Featuring Strategic Communications’ Digital Art Director Paul Choi, this Learn at Lunch will...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Career


Setting the Stage: The First Week Experience to Cultivate Student Belonging Workshop

Tue 4/1 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570

Please join us for the "Setting the Stage: The First Week Experience to Cultivate Student Belonging" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Caroline Kong and Lisa Felipe. It is never too early to create...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Wednesday April 4/2

Website Makers Meetup

Wed 4/2 • 11AM - 12PM PDT


These meetups are for people who make websites. Join us every other week, on Wednesday at 11am, to ask any questions you may have about making websites at UCLA.

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Media


Educational Innovation & Scholarly Teaching Seminar: Daniel Reinholz

Wed 4/2 • 2:30PM - 3:30PM PDT RSVP

Powell 320

Equity Learning Communities: Using Data to Enhance Instructional Change This talk focuses on the use of data to support equitable teaching. I introduce the model for equity learning communities, which has been developed over the past decade. Equity...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff

Teaching and Learning Center

Thursday April 4/3

5 Ways to Explore Taking Class Attendance

Thu 4/3 • 10AM PDT RSVP


Join our session designed exclusively for faculty and teaching assistants (TAs) to explore various methods of class attendance tracking. Learn how to efficiently manage attendance using tools such as Bruin Learn, Google Forms, iClicker, and Zoom....


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 1)

Thu 4/3 • 12PM - 2PM PDT RSVP

Please join the Educational Development Programs team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In this informal drop-in session, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, teaching...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Sunday April 4/6

FAB - Intersections Between Culture and Medicine: A Celebration of Community and Culture

Sun 4/6 • 10AM - 4PM PDT

Bradley 300 + Sycamore

Through this program, we aim to bring attention to the intersection between medicine and cultures by holding panels with medical students from underrepresented backgrounds, holding DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) workshops, student research...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Cultural #IdentityBased

Residential Life

Tuesday April 4/8

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Increasing Access in Reading Assignments

Tue 4/8 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: Increasing Access in Reading Assignments #engaging-digital-reading #deep-reading #pdf-tips Description: Students read on screens all the time, but due to constraints in digital reading tools, they may not be engaging deeply with the new...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Getting Started with iClicker Events

Tue 4/8 • 12PM PDT RSVP


In this training session, you’ll discover how to use iClicker Events to create polling sessions that enhance engagement in your classes, faculty meetings, conference presentations or events. iClicker Events is available for all instructors with an...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Wednesday April 4/9

Spring English Language Circle: April 9

Wed 4/9 • 12PM - 1PM PDT


Are you looking for a safe and supportive space to practice your English conversation skills? Check out Dashew Center's English Language Circle (ELC)! Here you will have an opportunity to practice your English with other language learners. The...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Cultural #Multicultural

Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

Thursday April 4/10

Getting Started with iClicker Events

Thu 4/10 • 10AM PDT RSVP


In this training session, you’ll discover how to use iClicker Events to create polling sessions that enhance engagement in your classes, faculty meetings, conference presentations or events. iClicker Events is available for all instructors with an...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Winter IDMP Showcase 2: Beyond AI Basics - What Faculty Actually Need to Know

Thu 4/10 • 11AM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP


If March’s session got you thinking, this one will go further. Faculty are struggling to keep up with AI’s rapid evolution—but there’s a reason why some are thriving while others are overwhelmed. This session will dig into real faculty experiences...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Friday April 4/11

Navigating Mental Health in the Classroom

Fri 4/11 • 9AM - 12:30PM PDT

UCLA Luskin Conference Center

Registration is now closed for this event. If you are interested in being on a waiting list, please contact edp@teaching.ucla.edu Please join us for the "Navigating Mental Health in the Classroom" workshop, part of our Instructor Wellbeing series,...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Tuesday April 4/15

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Navigating Unexpected Conversations in Office Hours: Breaking It Down

Tue 4/15 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: Navigating Unexpected Conversations in Office Hours: Breaking It Down #unpracticed_conversations #office_hours #supporting-students #TAs #postdocs Description: Join us for a preview of one of our most popular professional development...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Assignments and Grading

Tue 4/15 • 12PM PDT RSVP


This training sesson will show instructors how to create and grade assignments and discussions, utilize time saving features in the Gradebook, and provide student extensions and accommodations. Join us to improve your teaching skills and simplify...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Designing and Using Rubrics: Why and How Workshop

Tue 4/15 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570

Please join us for the "Designing and Using Rubrics: Why and How" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Sammy Solis and Lisa Felipe. This workshop will delve into the principles of equity in assessment,...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Wednesday April 4/16

FITWELL Talks Alcohol: Get the Facts for Your Health with Dr. Tina Kapadia

Wed 4/16 • 12PM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP

FITWELL Talks: Conversations with UCLA Health experts on the latest wellbeing research, practical recommendations, and more. Just thirty minutes via Zoom over your lunch hour. Join live, listen in, and come ready with questions. Take good care. ...

#FacultyStaff #Health #Wellness

Recreation and Wellbeing

Spring English Language Circle: April 16

Wed 4/16 • 12PM - 1PM PDT


Are you looking for a safe and supportive space to practice your English conversation skills? Check out Dashew Center's English Language Circle (ELC)! Here you will have an opportunity to practice your English with other language learners. The...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Cultural #Multicultural

Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

Thursday April 4/17

BruinTech Monthly Meet-up

Thu 4/17 • 12PM - 1PM PDT


Join us for the inaugural BT monthly meetup, where you can BYOL (bring your own lunch) and enjoy the company of fellow IT professionals from across UCLA. Light refreshments (drinks and snacks) will be provided. No registration...

#FacultyStaff #Social #Tech


FAB - Health Career Net Working Night

Thu 4/17 • 5PM - 9PM PDT

Carnesale Palisades, Hermosa, Venice, Malibu

Pre-health undergraduates come to network with professionals of their aspiring career paths and are exposed to new career options as well. There will also be multiple workshops, panels, and professional school application advising to further offer...

#Undergraduate #FacultyStaff #Alumni #Educational #PreProfessional

Residential Life

Monday April 4/21

Structuring College Access: The Market Segment Model and College Board Geomarkets

Mon 4/21 • 4PM - 5:30PM PDT RSVP

3312 Murphy Hall

College Board leverages test-taker data to help colleges recruit students. In the 1980s, College Board “Geomarkets” became an input for two recruiting products. Using Census data and public records requests, Ozan examines which students are included...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Research


Tuesday April 4/22

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Motivating Students with Growth Mindset Feedback

Tue 4/22 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: Motivating Students with Growth Mindset Feedback #growth-mindset #supporting-students #FacultyStaff #TAs #graduate-instructors #postdocs Description: Join GSPSE to learn about techniques for delivering feedback that stimulates students'...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Assignments and Grading for TAs

Tue 4/22 • 12PM PDT RSVP


Enhance your teaching skills and streamline your work in Bruin Learn! This session is designed primarily for TAs and will cover creating and grading assignments and discussions, navigating the Gradebook, and providing student extensions and...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Assessing Student Learning and Gathering Student Feedback Throughout the Quarter Workshop

Tue 4/22 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570

Please join us for the "Assessing Student Learning and Gathering Student Feedback Throughout the Quarter" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Lisa Felipe and Caroline Kong. In this workshop,...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Wednesday April 4/23

UCLA Editor-in-Residence Public Events with Courtney Berger

Wed 4/23 • 10:30AM - Thu 4/24 • 5:45PM PDT RSVP

Hershey Salon 158

Attend one of two UCLA Editor-in-Residence public events with Courtney Berger, Executive Editor, Duke University Press. Wednesday, April 23, 10:30 am-11:30 am: Talk Talk: Writing Books People Will Want to Read: Advice for First-Time Authors We...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Career

Center for the Study of Women

Developing a Reflective Teaching Practice Workshop

Wed 4/23 • 11AM - 12PM PDT RSVP

Powell Library, Room 190

Please join us for the "Developing a Reflective Teaching Practice" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Sammy Solis. In this workshop, we discuss the benefits of reflective teaching practices on...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Spring English Language Circle: April 23

Wed 4/23 • 12PM - 1PM PDT


Are you looking for a safe and supportive space to practice your English conversation skills? Check out Dashew Center's English Language Circle (ELC)! Here you will have an opportunity to practice your English with other language learners. The...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Cultural #Multicultural

Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

Monday April 4/28

Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 5)

Mon 4/28 • 2PM - 4PM PDT RSVP

Please join the Educational Development Programs team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In these informal drop-in sessions, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, inclusive...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Tuesday April 4/29

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: How to Create Community Agreements

Tue 4/29 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: How to Create Community Agreements #community-agreements #classroom-norms #cocreating-the-learning-environment Description: In this session, instructors will learn concrete strategies for creating and using community agreements, one of...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Wednesday April 4/30

Spring English Language Circle: April 30

Wed 4/30 • 12PM - 1PM PDT


Are you looking for a safe and supportive space to practice your English conversation skills? Check out Dashew Center's English Language Circle (ELC)! Here you will have an opportunity to practice your English with other language learners. The...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Cultural #Multicultural

Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

Learning Objectives and Backward Design Workshop

Wed 4/30 • 2PM - 3PM PDT RSVP

Powell Library, Room 190

Please join us for the "Learning Objectives and Backward Design" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center and facilitated by Sammy Solis. In this workshop, participants will explore the benefits of backward design, a framework for...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Thursday May 5/1

Instructor Zoom Drop-In Hours (Week 5)

Thu 5/1 • 9:30AM - 11:30AM PDT RSVP

Please join the Educational Development Programs team’s instructor Zoom drop-in hours. In these informal drop-in sessions, staff from the Teaching and Learning Center will be available to provide support on topics such as course design, inclusive...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Instructor Wellbeing: Intro to Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Thu 5/1 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP

Powell Library, room 190

Please join us for an introductory workshop on trauma-informed pedagogy, part of the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center’s Instructor Wellbeing initiative. The workshop will be facilitated by Sammy Solis and Derisa Grant. What is trauma and what...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Tuesday May 5/6

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: How to Use Student Experiences of Teaching (SET) Data to Inform Your Teaching

Tue 5/6 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: How to Use Student Experiences of Teaching (SET) Data to Inform Your Teaching #student-experiences-of-teaching #data-informed-teaching Description: This workshop offers practical strategies for leveraging Student Experiences of Teaching...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

FITWELL Talks: Stroke 101 with Dr. May Nour, UCLA Health

Tue 5/6 • 12PM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP

FITWELL Talks: Conversations with UCLA Health experts on the latest wellbeing research, practical recommendations, and more. Just thirty minutes via Zoom over your lunch hour. Join live, listen in, and come ready with questions. Take good care. May...

#FacultyStaff #Health #Wellness

Recreation and Wellbeing

Beyond the Discussion Board: Polling, Social Annotation, Forums and Other Ways to Engage Students

Tue 5/6 • 12PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570

Please join us for the "Beyond the Discussion Board: Polling, Social Annotation, Forums and Other Ways to Engage Students" workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The workshop will be facilitated by Caroline Kong. ...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Thursday May 5/8

Progressive Activists and the Bible

Thu 5/8 • 11:15AM - 12:15PM PDT RSVP


Some of America’s most effective reformers did not just refer to the Bible, but fused their own struggles with its narratives, seeing themselves as part of a cosmic divine battle within history. Claudia Setzer will have us consider how abolitionist...

#Undergraduate #FacultyStaff #Alumni #Educational

Center for the Study of Religion

Bruin Day Saturday May 5/10

AlgoEd x UCLA Global Medical Brigades Science/Medical Competition

Sat 5/10 • 8AM PDT

UCLA's Global Medical Brigades chapter has teamed up with AlgoEd, a company that provides platforms for middle school and high school students to participate in large-scale competitions. This event will include medical and science related questions...

#Undergraduate #FacultyStaff #Educational #PreProfessional

Global Medical Brigades

Tuesday May 5/13

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Explore the AI Toolkit for the Humanities Classroom

Tue 5/13 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: Explore the AI Toolkit for the Humanities Classroom #ai-tool-kit #ai-best-practices #ai-based-activities Description: Humanities Technology (HumTech)--HumTech is developing an AI Toolkit in collaboration with their graduate student RITC's,...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Create Engaging and Interactive Reading Assignments Using Social Annotation Tools

Tue 5/13 • 12PM PDT RSVP


The session will cover a comparison between two social annotation tools, Perusall and Hypothesis, and demonstrate how to use them to create interactive reading assignments that promote student engagement and collaboration. Audience: Faculty,...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

FITWELL Talks: Sleep and Mental Health with Dr. Sam Kashani

Tue 5/13 • 12PM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP

FITWELL Talks: Conversations with UCLA Health experts on the latest wellbeing research, practical recommendations, and more. Just thirty minutes via Zoom over your lunch hour. Join live, listen in, and come ready with questions. Take good care. May...

#FacultyStaff #Health #Wellness

Recreation and Wellbeing

Power and Alterity in Black Religious Thought

Tue 5/13 • 12:30PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP

Kaplan Hall, 365


Who is the human? What is legitimate religion? Who is left out of these discourses? Questions of power, humanity, and alterity animate religious discourse and responses to oppression. Leveraging the Rastafari movement and interrogating religious...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational

Center for the Study of Religion

Wednesday May 5/14

Navigating Charged Conversations in the Classroom

Wed 5/14 • 9AM - 10:30AM PDT RSVP

Powell Library, room 190

Please join us for the "Navigating Charged Conversations in the Classroom” workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Derisa Grant. Handling a classroom discussion that suddenly becomes contentious can be a...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Grade Handwritten Assignments Quickly with Gradescope

Wed 5/14 • 1PM PDT RSVP


Gradescope helps instructors grade handwritten assignments quickly and consistently, while providing meaningful feedback to students. This session will cover how to create assignments, how students and instructors can upload work, and the basics of...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Thursday May 5/15

Create Engaging and Interactive Reading Assignments Using Social Annotation Tools

Thu 5/15 • 10AM PDT RSVP


The session will cover a comparison between two social annotation tools, Perusall and Hypothesis, and demonstrate how to use them to create interactive reading assignments that promote student engagement and collaboration. Audience: Faculty,...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Tuesday May 5/20

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: How to Compare and Evaluate AI Tools

Tue 5/20 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: How to Compare and Evaluate AI Tools #GenAI #pick-your-innovation #diffusion-of-innovation #enhancing-teaching-and-learning Description: Choosing the right AI tool can be a real challenge. This short presentation provides a practical...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Empowered Teaching: Ungrading 101 Workshop

Tue 5/20 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570

Please join us for the "Empowered Teaching: Ungrading 101” workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Caroline Kong and Sammy Solis. In this workshop, participants will explore “ungrading,” a framework that...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Wednesday May 5/21

Assignments and Grading for TAs

Wed 5/21 • 12PM PDT RSVP


Enhance your teaching skills and streamline your work in Bruin Learn! This session is designed primarily for TAs and will cover creating and grading assignments and discussions, navigating the Gradebook, and providing student extensions and...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Friday May 5/23

Symposium: Women and Goddesses in Jainism

Fri 5/23 • 2PM - 5PM PDT RSVP

Hershey Hall Salon


Throughout the history of Jainism, one of the world’s oldest living religions, Jain women have played a crucial role. Jain renouncers, whose self-denying lifestyle is revered as the highest ideal, are predominantly female, while Jain laywomen tend...

#Undergraduate #FacultyStaff #Alumni #Educational

Center for the Study of Religion

Thursday May 5/29

Bring Your Own Syllabus: Co-Working and Consultation Session

Thu 5/29 • 1PM - 3PM PDT RSVP

Powell Library, Room 190

Please join us for the "Bring Your Own Syllabus: Co-Working and Consultation Session," hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Sammy Solis. Are you looking to refresh, rewrite, or rethink your syllabus? Are you...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Tuesday June 6/3

End-of-Term Grading in Bruin Learn & MyUCLA

Tue 6/3 • 12PM PDT RSVP


This training session will demonstrate how to finalize your Bruin Learn gradebook and transfer Bruin Learn grades to MyUCLA. Audience: Faculty, TAs,...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Thursday June 6/5

End-of-Term Grading in Bruin Learn & MyUCLA

Thu 6/5 • 10AM PDT RSVP


This training session will demonstrate how to finalize your Bruin Learn gradebook and transfer Bruin Learn grades to MyUCLA. Audience: Faculty, TAs,...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Tuesday June 6/10

End-of-Term Grading in Bruin Learn & MyUCLA

Tue 6/10 • 12PM PDT RSVP


This training session will demonstrate how to finalize your Bruin Learn gradebook and transfer Bruin Learn grades to MyUCLA. Audience: Faculty, TAs,...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Thursday June 6/12

End-of-Term Grading in Bruin Learn & MyUCLA

Thu 6/12 • 10AM PDT RSVP


This training session will demonstrate how to finalize your Bruin Learn gradebook and transfer Bruin Learn grades to MyUCLA. Audience: Faculty, TAs,...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

Wednesday June 6/18

BruinTech Monthly Meet-up

Wed 6/18 • 12PM - 1PM PDT


Join us for the inaugural BT monthly meetup, where you can BYOL (bring your own lunch) and enjoy the company of fellow IT professionals from across UCLA. Light refreshments (drinks and snacks) will be provided. No registration...

#FacultyStaff #Social #Tech
