Graduate & Professional

Tuesday March 3/11

2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions

Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP

Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Center for the Study of Women Cozy Book Swap

Tue 3/11 • 10:30AM - Thu 3/13 • 4:30PM PDT

1500 Public Affairs

Join us for the CSW|Streisand Center Cozy Book Swap! Bring a wrapped book or wrap one at our center! Add a hint note, and swap with others! We will provide wrapping paper and gift tags for adding yours to the mix. Any genre is welcome. Come and...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Social #Community

Center for the Study of Women

Reflect with RISE

Tue 3/11 • 11AM - 12PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Come to the RISE Center for a moment of stillness. Grab a cup of tea, meeting community members, and practice mindfulness, spirituality, thoughtfulness, and stillness.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

CAPS Drop-In Group hours at USP

Tue 3/11 • 12PM - 1:30PM PDT

Undocumented Student Program office - Student Activities Center B52

This in-person drop-in group is designed to be an as-needed support group for undocumented students. Students do not need a referral, be in treatment at CAPS, or commit to every session. This support group will provide students the opportunity to...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Bruin Resource CenterUndocumented Student Program

Stressbusters: Crafting Pop-up

Tue 3/11 • 1PM - 2:30PM PDT

Powell Library Rotunda

Customize a FREE tote bag! Get creative with recycled paper—zines, collages, bookmarks, buttons—you name it! Unwind during week 10 and unleash your creativity with some DIY creations. All supplies...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #StressRelief


Drop-in with Val at RISE

Tue 3/11 • 1PM - 3PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Feel free to drop by and chat with RISE Health and Wellbeing Coordinator! Whether you want to discuss campus mental health resources, get connected to CAPS, manage academic stress, or just need someone to talk to, we're here for you.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

Movement and Meditation

Tue 3/11 • 1:15PM - 2PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Take some time to relax, stretch, and breathe through movement and meditation.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

USP Extended Hours

Tue 3/11 • 5PM - 8PM PDT

Undocumented Student Program office - Student Activities Center B52

Study with us for finals at the USP office (SAC B52). Join us for chill music, snacks and refreshments as we extend our office hours until 8PM! Grad and professional students...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Bruin Resource CenterUndocumented Student Program

Wednesday March 3/12

2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions

Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP

Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Breakfast in the BruinHub

Wed 3/12 • 9AM - Tue 3/18 • 11:30AM PDT RSVP

BruinHub at Strathmore (501 Westwood Plaza, Room 117)

Hey Bruins, stay fueled for finals season by stopping by the BruinHub at Strathmore on Wednesday, March 13th through Tuesday, March, 18th for breakfast treats. Vegan and dairy-free options will be available.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Social #Community

Campus LifeCommuter Support

Stressbusters: PAC Therapy Dogs

Wed 3/12 • 11AM - 1PM PDT

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)

Need calming energy leading up to finals week? Stop by the Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL) and take a well-earned break with the UCLA People-Animal Connection(opens in a new tab) therapy dogs! Participants must sign a waiver before...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #StressRelief


Drop-in with Nadine at RISE - Neurodivergent Student Support Available (Hybrid)

Wed 3/12 • 1PM - 3PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Digital Event

Feel free to drop by and chat with RISE Health and Wellbeing Coordinator! Whether you want to discuss campus mental health resources, get connected to CAPS, manage academic stress, or just need someone to talk to, we're here for you. Nadine is a...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

USP Colors & Connection

Wed 3/12 • 2PM - 3:30PM PDT

Take a break, unwind, and tap into your creative side at USP Colors & Connection! Join us for an afternoon of art, relaxation, and community as we partner with the RISE Center to create a space for self-expression and meaningful connections. RSVP...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Social #Community

Bruin Resource CenterUndocumented Student Program

Books and Bonding

Wed 3/12 • 4PM - 5PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Join the RISE Center for Books and Bonding every Wednesday. RISE will be providing the books and there will be no assigned readings, so please stop by if you are interested.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

Thursday March 3/13

2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions

Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP

Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Winter Finals Prep and Study Break

Thu 3/13 • 10AM - 4PM PDT

Bradley Hall 1st Floor Lobby

Join us during finals week! Stop by for some free grab-and-go snacks to fuel you through finals season. We will also be providing wellness goodie bags! (while supplies last) @ Dashew Center Lobby (Bradley Hall 1st Floor Lobby) Tuesday, March 13th,...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Social #Community

Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

Accessing and Activating Audiovisual Materials for Your Research

Thu 3/13 • 1PM - 2PM PDT

Powell Library Classroom A, Room 307A

Led by Maile Chung, post-graduate assistant conservator, UCLA Library Preservation and Conservation

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff


CAPS Drop-In hours at USP

Thu 3/13 • 1PM - 3PM PDT

Undocumented Student Program office - Student Activities Center B52

CAPS Drop-In Hours provide free, confidential, brief consultations for UCLA undergraduate and graduate students that identify as undocumented or come from mixed-status families. During the visit, a specialized counselor can help you to explore...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Bruin Resource CenterUndocumented Student Program

Drop-in with Alea at RISE

Thu 3/13 • 1PM - 3PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Feel free to drop by and chat with RISE Health and Wellbeing Coordinator! Whether you want to discuss campus mental health resources, get connected to CAPS, manage academic stress, or just need someone to talk to, we're here for you.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

TLC Winter Drop-In Hours

Thu 3/13 • 2PM - 4PM PDT

Powell 190

Join the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement team for our final drop-in hours of the quarter. Come for coffee, snacks, and grading support during this social working session. #GraduateProfessional #TAs #Postdocs

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Ask a Psychiatrist

Canceled Thu 3/13 • 5PM - 6PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Seeing a psychiatrist, or any mental health professional, can be intimidating. Are you interested in learning about what to expect during an appointment with a psychiatrist, and how to access services at UCLA? Join us for this Q&A workshop.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

Suggestions for Ask A Psychiatrist

Thu 3/13 • 5PM - 6PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement

Seeing a psychiatrist, or any mental health professional, can be intimidating. Are you interested in learning about what to expect during an appointment with a psychiatrist, and how to access services at UCLA? Join us for this passive program where...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

Friday March 3/14

2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions

Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP

Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Drop-in with Jaci at RISE

Fri 3/14 • 1PM - 3PM PDT

RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level

Feel free to drop by and chat with RISE Health and Wellbeing Coordinator! Whether you want to discuss campus mental health resources, get connected to CAPS, manage academic stress, or just need someone to talk to, we're here for you.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #MentalHealth

Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center

Stressbusters: Chair Massage

Fri 3/14 • 1PM - 3PM PDT

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)

Feeling tense or fatigued? A few minutes of chair massage focused on the back, neck and shoulders can improve circulation, reduce stress and tension and rejuvenate your spirit. Drop in for an ergonomic chair massage and let UCLA Library and UCLA...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #StressRelief


Saturday March 3/15

2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions

Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP

Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Sunday March 3/16

2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions

Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP

Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Monday March 3/17

Stressbusters: PAC Therapy Dogs

Mon 3/17 • 11AM - 1PM PDT

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)

Need calming energy during finals week? Stop by the Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL) and take a well-earned break with the UCLA People-Animal Connection(opens in a new tab) therapy dogs! Participants must sign a waiver before participating...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #StressRelief


Stressbusters: Chair Massage

Mon 3/17 • 12PM - 2PM PDT

Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library

Feeling tense or fatigued? A few minutes of chair massage focused on the back, neck and shoulders can improve circulation, reduce stress and tension and rejuvenate your spirit. Drop in for an ergonomic chair massage and let UCLA Library and UCLA...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #StressRelief


Tuesday March 3/18

Bruin MindFit Winter 2025

Tue 2/25 - Tue 3/18

Digital Event

Feb. 25 - Mar. 18, 12:00 - 1:00 pm Bruin MindFit is a 4-week virtual mindful movement and meditation course, offered to students, faculty and staff that teaches several effective stress-management tools. Practice meditation, breathing (pranayama),...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff

Recreation and Wellbeing

2025-2026 The Collegium of University Teaching Fellows (CUTF) Information Sessions

Mon 3/10 - Tue 3/18 RSVP

Join the Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (GSPSE) Team of the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) for an information session about the Collegium of University Teaching Fellows Program (CUTF)....

#GraduateProfessional #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Stressbusters: Chair Massage

Tue 3/18 • 1AM - 1PM PDT

Eugene and Maxine Rosenfeld Management Library

Feeling tense or fatigued? A few minutes of chair massage focused on the back, neck and shoulders can improve circulation, reduce stress and tension and rejuvenate your spirit. Drop in for an ergonomic chair massage and let UCLA Library and UCLA...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #StressRelief


USP UndocuAlly Winter 2025

Tue 3/18 • 12PM - Thu 3/20 • 12PM PDT RSVP

Dear UCLA Community, We are excited to announce that the Undocumented Student Program (USP) housed within the Bruin Resource Center (BRC) will be facilitating UndocuAlly Training Sessions at the end of this Winter Quarter. If you're...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational

Bruin Resource CenterUndocumented Student Program

Wednesday March 3/19

UCLA Recreation - Spring It On Active Working Day 2025

Wed 3/19 RSVP

Join us on March 19th for the UCLA Recreation Spring It On - Active Working Day! Take the pledge and move more throughout your day to manage stress, energize your body, and increase focus! Join various activities like LIVE MoveMail fitness breaks on...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Health #Wellness

Recreation and Wellbeing

Stressbusters: Chair Massage

Wed 3/19 • 1PM - 3PM PDT

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)

Feeling tense or fatigued? A few minutes of chair massage focused on the back, neck and shoulders can improve circulation, reduce stress and tension and rejuvenate your spirit. Drop in for an ergonomic chair massage and let UCLA Library and UCLA...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Health #StressRelief


Thursday March 3/20

Bruin MindFit Winter 2025

Thu 2/27 - Thu 3/20

Digital Event

Feb. 27 - Mar. 20, 12:00 - 1:00 pm Bruin MindFit is a 4-week virtual mindful movement and meditation course, offered to students, faculty and staff that teaches several effective stress-management tools. Practice meditation, breathing (pranayama),...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Health #StressRelief

Recreation and Wellbeing

Bike Shop - Bike Commuting 101

Thu 3/20 • 5PM - 6PM PDT

This class offers an overview of both how to start bike commuting and how to improve your current experience with bike commuting.

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Health #Recreation

Recreation and Wellbeing

Sunday April 4/6

FAB - Intersections Between Culture and Medicine: A Celebration of Community and Culture

Sun 4/6 • 10AM - 4PM PDT

Bradley 300 + Sycamore

Through this program, we aim to bring attention to the intersection between medicine and cultures by holding panels with medical students from underrepresented backgrounds, holding DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) workshops, student research...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Cultural #IdentityBased

Residential Life

Thursday April 4/10

Winter IDMP Showcase 2: Beyond AI Basics - What Faculty Actually Need to Know

Thu 4/10 • 11AM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP


If March’s session got you thinking, this one will go further. Faculty are struggling to keep up with AI’s rapid evolution—but there’s a reason why some are thriving while others are overwhelmed. This session will dig into real faculty experiences...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Friday April 4/11

Navigating Mental Health in the Classroom

Fri 4/11 • 9AM - 12:30PM PDT RSVP

UCLA Luskin Conference Center

Please join us for the "Navigating Mental Health in the Classroom" workshop, part of our Instructor Wellbeing series, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Ross Szabo. This event is a practical training designed...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Tuesday April 4/22

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: Motivating Students with Growth Mindset Feedback

Tue 4/22 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: Motivating Students with Growth Mindset Feedback #growth-mindset #supporting-students #FacultyStaff #TAs #graduate-instructors #postdocs Description: Join GSPSE to learn about techniques for delivering feedback that stimulates students'...

#GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Tuesday May 5/13

Power and Alterity in Black Religious Thought

Tue 5/13 • 12:30PM - 1:30PM PDT RSVP

Kaplan Hall, 365


Who is the human? What is legitimate religion? Who is left out of these discourses? Questions of power, humanity, and alterity animate religious discourse and responses to oppression. Leveraging the Rastafari movement and interrogating religious...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #FacultyStaff #Educational

Center for the Study of Religion