Week 8

Tuesday May 5/20

10 + 10 Pop-Up Series: How to Compare and Evaluate AI Tools

Tue 5/20 • 10AM - 10:20AM PDT RSVP

Title: How to Compare and Evaluate AI Tools #GenAI #pick-your-innovation #diffusion-of-innovation #enhancing-teaching-and-learning Description: Choosing the right AI tool can be a real challenge. This short presentation provides a practical...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Empowered Teaching: Ungrading 101 Workshop

Tue 5/20 • 12PM - 1PM PDT RSVP

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL), Room 21570

Please join us for the "Empowered Teaching: Ungrading 101” workshop, hosted by the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and facilitated by Caroline Kong and Sammy Solis. In this workshop, participants will explore “ungrading,” a framework that...

#FacultyStaff #Educational #Academic

Teaching and Learning Center

Bruin Love Station - Free Safer Sex Supplies, Narcan, & Fentanyl Test Strips

Tue 5/20 • 12PM - 3PM PDT

Bruin Walk

Bruin Love Station is a mobile cart that offers free safer sex supplies, Narcan, fentanyl test strips and opportunities for students to converse with trained peers and professional staff. Brought to you by the Health Education and Resource Team...


Health Education and Resource Team

Strange Bedfellows: The Alliance Theory of Political Belief Systems

Tue 5/20 • 1PM - 2:30PM PDT RSVP

Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)


Presented by the UCLA Library and the Jacob Marschak Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Mathematics in the Behavioral Sciences What explains the contents of political belief systems? A widespread view is that they derive from abstract values like...

#Educational #Research


The Classroom - Spring Quarter 2025 - Week 9 - Interpersonal Relationships - Learning People

Tue 5/20 • 6PM - 7PM PDT


Get ready to take the next big step—graduation is just around the corner! Your UCLA Alumni Association is here to cheer you on and support you as you launch your exciting career journey.  This Spring, The Classroom is here to offer a...


Wednesday May 5/21

Assignments and Grading for TAs

Wed 5/21 • 12PM PDT RSVP


Enhance your teaching skills and streamline your work in Bruin Learn! This session is designed primarily for TAs and will cover creating and grading assignments and discussions, navigating the Gradebook, and providing student extensions and...


Bruin Learn Center of Excellence

From ADS to SciX: An Intro to Navigating Science Explorer for Earth and Space Science Research

Wed 5/21 • 1PM - 2PM PDT RSVP

Digital Event

For years, the Astrophysics Data System has served researchers in the fields of astronomy and physics. Recognizing the value of this portal, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and NASA have developed SciX (Science Explorer) as the future...

#Undergraduate #GraduateProfessional #Educational #Research


Thursday May 5/22

Working It Out: Trauma, Healing, and Growth, in Your Career and Everywhere

Thu 5/22 • 6PM PDT


As popular as it may be, “work-life balance” is an oversimplified concept. Our happiness depends on us being whole and integrated, not split and compartmentalized. Plus, the physical, psychological, social, and vocational domains of our life...


Friday May 5/23

Envelope Magazine Submissions Deadline

Fri 5/23

Submissions for our Envelope Magazine of 2025 are now open! Envelope is an Art & Writing Magazine featuring creative work from UCLA's International Student, Scholar, and Staff community. We hope to publish this next volume of work by Fall 2025. The...

#Cultural #Multicultural

Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars

Symposium: Women and Goddesses in Jainism

Fri 5/23 • 2PM - 5PM PDT RSVP

Hershey Hall Salon


Throughout the history of Jainism, one of the world’s oldest living religions, Jain women have played a crucial role. Jain renouncers, whose self-denying lifestyle is revered as the highest ideal, are predominantly female, while Jain laywomen tend...

#Undergraduate #FacultyStaff #Alumni #Educational

Center for the Study of Religion